

We are in a world where money is significant, and immediately, some people have money. The next thing they do is to cut off everybody in their life and become alone, simply because they believe that they don't need anybody to survive. They believe that they already have the money, and this money gives them the power to do everything that they like, and they don't need any help from anybody because they can simply get it with the use of their money. this mentality has destroyed so many lives, and it has brought so many bad instead of good, simply because isolation in this age not only kills, it makes you vulnerable to any attack.

This is the era of information that most people thrive on. There is always a saying that anybody who is more successful has better information than you, which is correct. However, immediately, you start to isolate yourself, you become less informed, and some of the information that you have brought you to where you are becomes outdated. Before you know it, isolation eats you slowly. The money you have might not be able to save you, and it might already be too late for you to make up for the times you have lost when you've isolated yourself.

Isolation is peaceful but it kills

While it can be peaceful to isolate oneself from others and their problems, it can also have negative consequences. Isolation can lead to a lack of knowledge about current events and financial matters. Additionally, being alone can make us vulnerable to attacks because we have no one to watch our backs. Without the presence of others, we may not realize when danger is approaching, putting us at risk for harm or even death.

Many people choose to isolate themselves after experiencing the struggles of making money and achieving success. They believe that isolation provides a much-needed resting period after working so hard. However, this is not the best way to live. As human beings, we are social by nature and God created us to socialize. Instead of isolating ourselves, we should strive to create a network of people. This allows us to expand our social circle, meet new people, and stay informed.

Internet is making it easy

The internet has contributed to the issue of isolation as it allows people to complete a significant portion of their tasks from the comfort of their homes. This convenience is compounded for those who are successful or wealthy, as they can complete all their tasks without ever having to leave their homes. Social media platforms have also added to the problem by providing endless entertainment options that can keep individuals occupied for hours on end. With the internet, it has become effortless for people to isolate themselves and disconnect from the world around them.

With the advent of the Internet, it has become effortless to stay connected with people, enhance our knowledge, and build a network from the comfort of our homes. However, it is crucial to choose the networking aspect of the Internet instead of isolating ourselves. Although isolation can protect us from danger, it does more harm than good. Therefore, it is always advisable to associate with people and leverage the power of the Internet to reach out to more individuals and grow our network.There is nothing bad about cutting ourselves away from the world just for a short period to have more clarity, but we must not be addicted to it because it is dangerous. We can simply do it just for a short period, but when it becomes a habit, it endangers our lives, our finances, and our growth.

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