LDL Cholesterol Levels

I had some blood work done yesterday.

The only concern was that my bad cholesterol was creeping up.

For your reference here is the levels.

LDL (Bad) Cholesterol Level - LDL Cholesterol Category
Less than 100 mg/dL- Optimal
100-129 mg/dL- Near optimal/above optimal
130-159 mg/dL- Borderline high
160-189 mg/dL- High

I now land in the near optimal/ above optimal category. Nothing too crazy to worry about but something that I do want to start thinking about. I do not want to have to go on a drug if it keeps going up. I want to treat it by eating and living more healthy.

The dr. and I talked about a few ways to keep it in check.

First diet.

Add in more fiber. Add in more good fats and eat less trans fats. I think this will be the toughest for me.

Getting my whole family on board will really help.


Second Lose weight.

So once again I am on the track and hopefully I can build a base again and start losing. A lot of sickness comes down to eating wrong, not moving enough and keeping on extra weight.

The goal is to get back to 235. Lets get it!!

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