You Don't Mess with the Devil - Chapter 2: The Family



"Where am I?" I asked myself. I can't open my eyes widely and my body is so heavy. I can't even get out of bed.
I merely can't remember how I got home. "But, is this my room?" I asked myself again. I'm still confused. "What happened?". There are so many questions in my head.

As I finally opened my eyes, this is not my room. This room stinks. I can't even breathe in this smokey room. I turned myself to the side hoping to learn where I am. But a smoking man sitting at a small table reading a newspaper turned his eyes on me.
"Oh, is it still hurt?" the man asked. "Oh, sorry... Who the fuck are you?" I asked back rashly.

"Is that the right attitude to ask a person who saved your life?" the angry man asked. "You can get out of here now. You motherfucker kid!"
Then he stood up and left the room.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. My body can't move easily. I lay again on the bed and thought. Asking myself what happened. Slowly, one by one memory comes in. "Oh shit, I was beaten the other night"
".... and that man saved me?!"

Events start sinking in my mind.
I tried to blend in with some group of thugs and I ended up beaten up.
Because I am weak, they just laugh at me and they don't want me to join them. They said I am just a burden to them. Then I died. Oh no, I'm not.
I'm still here. I just can't move.
As I was thinking about it, I fell asleep again.

I woke up because it was too hot.
There's no electric fan in that room. And I think it's late afternoon now. My body can move now. I must wake up already.
I noticed a bowl of porridge and a bottle of water beside the bed I was lying on. I suddenly grab the bottle of water and start drinking it. I was so thirsty. I almost drowned because I drank too much water.
"aaaaaaaahhh" I'm saved!
I grabbed the bowl and started eating the porridge. I'm starving.
I don't know how fast I finished eating the porridge but I felt that it was still not enough. I want to eat more!

Because of being so hungry, I didn't notice the man was back at his table. He is looking at me wondering what I'm doing. As our eyes met, he shouted "Go get out of my house now, you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch!"

As he stands up again and is ready to walk out, I suddenly sit on the bed and bow down to him. "I am so sorry mister!" "I was out of my mind earlier!"
Still bowed down, I'm waiting for his reply. But no reply came from him. Instead, he hit me hard on my head. "So now you're sorry huh?!" he asked. "You have no respect! Who taught you that?!".
Silence is my reply. I can't answer him anymore because I'm too ashamed of what I did earlier.

"Get up now and eat more porridge outside".
The man said and started going outside the room.

My stomach is excited. And my heart is happy cause I might be forgiven by the man who saved my life.

I slowly get out of the room. As I entered the living room, I saw some other people waiting for me.
"Oh, you're awake," Jojo said.
I think he is also my same age. I was 10 years old at that time.

"Eat now thin boy" a more mature boy commands me. His name is Rick.

"You're still hurting?" an older girl asked me. Her name is Marie.

I can't seem to reply to any of what they said. I'm still too shy to answer.

"Get out! All of you continue your errands. You, thin man, eat another porridge." the man commands us all.

Then, all of them got out. Even the man. This is the chance to eat again. I scooped some porridge and started eating it like I was at a buffet. It was so delicious now that I'm free to eat. It seems that I miss eating. Thinking of how long I have not eaten. I'm so lucky to have this tasty porridge.

While eating, I look around the house. It looks old but still strong. It is made of pure wood. I don't see any appliances. I saw some burnt candles. Now I'm sure that there is no electricity in this house. I see 5 doors. Maybe this house has 4 rooms. Or maybe 3 if one of the doors is for a comfort room.
Some pictures are hanging on the walls. But I can't see who's in it.

After taking the meal, I gently reach the door towards the outside. I opened the door and saw an amazing scene I witnessed. Outside the house is a wide scene of greenery. I start wandering around and I am surprised.
There was a huge space of grassland. On the other side, there was a small farm full of different varieties of fruits and vegetables. At the back, there was a huge rice farm. This is a paradise to someone who has nothing like me.

There is a small cottage not far away from the house. There are a bunch of people there. Talking to each other and working on something.
There is also smoke coming out of it. Maybe someone is cooking, I think.

Someone shouts from the cottage "Hey, come over here" it refers to me. I slowly walk towards them. There are more people than there are in the house back there.
"Are you already full? Did you like the porridge?" another boy is asking me, his name is Frost.
"Yes, that was very good," I said.

"Oh, I told you all he will like it" Frost spoke to the others. Then, they all laugh,
"He was just starving, anyone who's hungry will like any food even if it has no taste" another mature boy speaks, he is None.

"By the way, this is Rick, None, and Marie. And I am Frost. What's your name? as he introduced me to others.
"My name is Dey. Your porridge is really good. Thank you!" I replied.
He looked at others and said "Told you!" and they laughed even louder.

I looked around and saw a muscular boy, a fat boy, and the one that I met in the house the same age as me. Doing some errands on the rice field. "Who are they?" I asked while looking at them.

"Oh, that muscular boy is Nick, the fat boy is Bong, and the other boy is Jojo," None said.

"Oh wait, Frost said that your name is None. Why is that?" I'm confused about his name.
"Because I had none when father took me here. I have nothing, no family, and even a name. I forgot about all of that. That's why father named me None." he explained.

"You said you have no family, but you said that your father named you," I said, still confused.

"Father Rey is not our real father.
He adopted all of us here. And we considered him all as our father."
Rick explained.

"Oh, they are all adopted," I said to myself. "So, is this an orphanage?"
I asked all of them.
They again laugh at me,
"Hahaha! It is not, but it looks like that. Hahaha!" Marie said.

"You will become one of us," Marie added. "Father never missed about who's adopting and who's not.
"Oh no! Will I be here forever? No, I refused!" I told myself.

"Oh sorry, I'm not planning to stay here for long," I told them.
"You'll see, you will. As all of us also said before. Haha!" Marie added.

They are still talking to each other but my mind is out thinking about why I must be here.

Then, a fierce woman is approaching us from not far away. Wearing a dress full of blood. I was afraid at that time. The closer and closer she is towards us makes my heart more nervous as she steps. "Is she carrying a dead body?!" I'm afraid to ask myself. And there she was, in front of me, smiling like a crazy witch.

"Oh, this is the new boy," she said while smiling and looking deeply into my face. "A pretty boy isn't he? But why are you shaking? Are you afraid of your mother?" she said.

"My mother??? She will become my mother? Does this scary woman become my mother? Oh no!" I'm silently asking myself as I am still looking into her eyes.

I was about to faint as she answer my questions in my mind,
"YES!.. I... WILL... BE... YOUR... MOTHER!... "

End of Chapter 2


Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of my ongoing book.
This is a fictional story I've been building. I do have the twists and plots for this story but still, need to be polished. I'm planning to release chapters every week but it still depends on what the story is accomplished.
If you like my story, please follow me cause I might post other chapters to different communities around Hive PeakD.
I'm still working on the poster for this book. I will update every post upon completion of the poster.

Thank you so much for having an interest in my story.
**Please add a comment. I need your honest review. I don't need upvotes, I just need to know what you think about the story.
Thank you! **
And expect more in the next chapter.


Links to other Chapters:

Chapter 1: The Devil

Chapter 3: Mother and Father

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