Memories and photos are all I have from childhood

Seeing this topic made me flashed back to my childhood, I had a very sweet childhood, Infact I enjoyed every bit of my childhood, because I had the most wonderful parents and the most funniest, interesting and lovable siblings too. I had anything I wanted, clothes, shoes, birthday parties, Barbie dolls but although I wasn’t a fan of toys so I didn’t have much of those and couldn’t keep any, and even the clothes I wore when I was younger are nowhere to found anymore but I can assure you that of two things I kept are my childhood memories & pictures.

I won’t be able to talk about everything but perfect to share the the thing I have with me that’s from my childhood, which are my pictures..anything I take a look at this pictures I instantly get a reminder of how beautiful my childhood was, I’m so grateful for this Photos because I get to see some of my childhood friends that I have not seen for decades now, seeing this photos also reminds me to actually pray and wish them well.

Seeing this photos actually give me goose bumps because I have not seen some here in like 10 years and I really hope that they are all doing well, I really miss them and all the fun we had we had while we kids, we played together, ate and even quarreled sometime.
The only thing we had to worry about then was reading our books and having grades, unlike now life is dealing with us in one or the other, everybody wants to make money and live a good life… Back then we had the best friendships but now as adult we don’t even relate anymore.

This is rare photo of my younger sister and I on my my sisters birthday, it was a day to remember, I was all dressed up too as the assistant birthday girl in charge..Lol, back then we were like twins, anything my parents bought , they did buy for two unless they wanted us to quarrel, infact my mother would buy same clothes and shoes but different colors and even sometimes it had to be same color to trouble from us, I really wish to actually go back to those times because it was the most important time of our lives, where we lived in our house, shared the same bed every day, eat from same plate, talk and laugh about different things but now as adults we hardly have time for ourselves talk more of family.

This photo has got to be one the funniest because firstly that woman’s glee block someone’s destiny, haha.. Funny thing is that I can’t even remember who that woman was, I was graduating from nursery school to primary school, my shoes are so funny too!
I could bet that girl on red gown was actually observing the woman’s gele.

This photo is really dear to me because this was actually the last birthday celebration I had that was big, It was my 13 years birthday, most of my friends were invited and we had a blast, ever since then I haven’t really celebrated my birthday.

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