Mashup Mania!

Greetings and salutations Hivers. Today let's go into another Three Tune Tuesday post.

As always, thanks to @ablaze for making this series. Lots of people participate in it! Follow the tags to find a ton of good music recommendation.

Today.. mashups!

I've written a post on some fun mashups before. Mashups, for those who don't know, take two or more songs that are similar in some way, usually tempo but sometimes in other ways as well. Sometimes the result is strange, sometimes interesting, sometimes amazing. Whatever the result is, it is usually at least a little fun, which is what they are mainly going for.

Today I thought we would turn to mashups again because, well, they are fun! Hope you all agree. Let's start with a bang with....

CLMC Music - Batman 89 X Back to the Future

I thought this would be a good starting point. Oh this is fun, especially for 80s kids like me who grew up with both of these movies. I have these two songs embedded in my brain, so listening to them together is just great fun.

Bee Gees + AC/DC - Stayin' in Black

You see this title and you think this can't possibly work. Then you will listen to the first few seconds of this video and you will think I was right, this isn't working, it's weird, but then it gets better and starts to work in a way that it shouldn't and you will enjoy it. Take my word for it and just listen.

Judas Jackson - Billie Jean's Got Another Thing Comin'

Speaking of things that seem like they just shouldn't work... yet it does. Kind of. It's a lot of fun anyway, whether actually good or not.

Bonus: Step Back in Time

Keeping this for a bonus pick because of how different it is. But in the spirit of mashups, it is fun, and that is all that counts here. See if you agree.

So what's your favorite?

Hi there! David LaSpina is an American photographer and translator lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time and searching for the perfect haiku. He blogs here and at Write him on Twitter or Mastodon.
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