How become more powerful.

How become more powerful.

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Been off from Hive for a while, happy I'm back.
this my first post in Self improvement community.. Good to be here

Do you want to be power? I know everybody wants to be powerful and have authority in what ever Field they are.
So I've listened those things you can do make you become more powerful.

  1. Talk less of.
    you don't want be a called a talkative.. people don't pay attention to talkative.
    for instance in my school a boy name Luke
    Luke was known to be a talkative in the class.. when is time for contribution or time for people to give their view about a particular topic in the classroom, Luke will raised its hand up.
    but his efforts was talking for granted because they believe him to be someone that talkout of sense.

  2. Value your Time.
    A powerful someone should know how to value his/her time. don't spend your time doing unnecessary things.. and should be someone that is Time conscious.

You can do everything, but not everything-
you trying to be Jack of all trades and master of none.. here you only focus on area Passion about.. in this you don't have to everything master one thing and you're okay..

Value your time doesn't mean you have to push yourself so hard you know.. by working on something you've to know how to work smart to achieve what you want easily.

You can manage your time well my limiting distraction maybe by switching off your phone and focus on What ever you doing or by changing environment if you were distracted.

To be able to manage your time you must learn to sleep.. sleep is very important to humans body.. sleep on time and wake up on time..
  1. Think before you speak.
    think before speak is very important. you must think about what you going to say if its suitable to the audience or the person you're talking to..

you may likely hurt someone with your comment if you don't give it a thought before sending it . even though it'll be unintentionally.. it's very important to think what ever you going to say first.

  1. Listen more than you speak.
    Listen more will not only makes you understand what the person is saying
    it'll help you know how to frame your response in a good way.

when you give people your undivided attention it shows respect and Regard to the people you're working with or talking to.
when you're a good listener and people will likely listen to what you are saying.

  1. Make moves in silence.
    this means talking action or walking on something bigger without announcing to whole world to hear.
    in the era of social media were people post what ever you doing..

when you move in silence you'll not be in a hess or pressure to anything. you'll be calm
for example you have a business you want to go into.. you start announcing to the world.
something when wrong maybe you lost the money or you discovered another booming idea..

since you already alert everybody about the business you are doing people will be anticipating about and they'll won't understand why you change your mind..
this makes them look at you as someone that's not always serious.. and it's very bad to be known as an unserious person..

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