Name This Bridge & Win Your Unique Riddle + Integration!


In the context of preparing the release of the main game, I would like to draw attention to CryptoCompany CEO again. How about a small community campaign and a competition?

Furthermore, I am still very over-focussed, so I will keep the upcoming articles short and crisp and thus allow myself to publish articles more often. So it's going to be exciting again!

Due to the long break in writing, there won't be that many readers at the moment, but that certainly increases the chances of loyal fans. But of course everyone is invited to participate! So let's start!


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This bridge doesn't have a name yet and I thought you probably have the best idea! Your ingenuity should be rewarded! You see the plaque on the stone base?

The winner of the official bridge name is mentioned there as the name giver, in combination with a riddle, which I will implement at this point. Solving this puzzle will be part of the achievements and will be necessary for the player to solve at a certain point in time. I'm leaving the details of how the puzzle will be designed open in order to adapt it to its namesake. In any case, it will draw attention to the namesake and I will make sure that the winner, i.e. you, will also benefit from it.


It is possible to give the bridge an official name and another name, as the bridge is commonly known. The official name would be entered on the plaque, the common name would be integrated into the game. For example, in further riddles or in the context of the storyline.

You don't have to have a suggestion for both names, but you can.


1. Reblog this article on the Hive Blockchain.

2. Suggest your name(s) as a comment under this article within the next 14 days. I will then present all suggestions in another article on the @cryptocompany account and release them for voting - the suggestion with the most votes wins.

That's it. Not more. Easy? Easy!

As soon as the 14 days of suggestion time are over, you will be able to vote for the official name and the common name. The votes are separate. So maybe one of your suggestions will win, but not the other - or with a lot of creativity you can win both.

As you can suggest 2 names, you have double the chance of winning. Please write in your comment what the official bridge name should be and what the common name. If you have a suggestion for both categories, please write which is which. If you only write one name, I assume that you are making a suggestion for the official name.

(Since I know the internet a bit, I reserve the right to reject the winning name if it is not acceptable and would take the lower ranked name that is acceptable instead. So things like "Stinky Sh**way Bridge" or "Gross Garbage Gateway" are out of the question. But names like "Mister Misty Murky Mire Bridge" would be fine if you think that's a suitable name suggestion. I think you get the point.)

Maybe the winning name triggers me so much that I can incorporate some more story and integration into the gameplay. After all, the name could also have a background. To clarify: "Malevolent Melancholy Millbridge" sounds like there's a reason why this bridge has this name, right? Well, it doesn't sound particularly cheerful, but again, I think you get what I mean.

I wish you good luck and creativity!

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Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day!
Thank you for being here. YOU. ARE. AWESOME!
See you later in the comments!
Make the best out of the your day!

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