When it comes to getting married, getting divorced and deciding to just stay single, I think all these is by choice. Most times, there are a lot of reasons attached to making these decision and it differs from one person to another.

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Marriage is a very beautiful, big and bold step for anyone to take, and I personally commend the people that gets to makes the decision. Love is a really beautiful thing and a great force and anyone that gets to experience it is a really lucky one. Also, finding that one person that completes you and makes you wnat to spend the rest of your life with them is so beautiful. Personally, I feel getting married takes intentional set of people, ready to start their own legacy and be with one another through thick and thin. Marriage is not always bubbles and butterflies, there are usually some trying times and it will take more than love to hold things together.

Don't get me wrong, love is a very important factor when it comes to marriage, being emotionally, mentally and physically attracted to your other half can not be overemphasized. However, it is also true that love isn't enough to hold a marriage together forever. If other factors are causing one issue or the other in a marriage, love will start fading away gradually. There is no way two people will be together and wouldn't have misunderstandings, conflicts and disagreement. That is why there is need for understanding, compassion, empathy, patience, tolerance, sacrifice, effort, compromise and many other things in fact.



if all these are absent in a marriage, it can lead to divorce, either at an early stage or even later in the marriage. As we all know, the rate of divorce nowadays is at a very high rate, I always wonder why people that claimed and promised to love each other suddenly decides that they were not interested anymore. A lot of things can lead to divorce and most common reasons according to sources accross the web are Infidelity, domestic violence,financial problems, communication issues, commitment issues, and that is even to mention few. Nowadays, many people rush into marriages without getting to know their partners well and the things they are capable of, and this later affect the marriage when they get to realize their differences.



Although, it is not possible to fully know and understand a person if you haven't really lived with them, but it is still important to know them to a certain level. A person that can push you when you have arguements while still in a relationship can slap or beat you inside a marriage. I have zero tolerance for domestic violence no matter how little, and this goes for both genders. Some females actually bully their partners and make it seem like they are doing them a favor by being with them, and such an unhealthy relationship shouldn't be allowed to thrive into marriage. Some people even abuse others emotionally and I think it equally dangerous like physical abuse.

Amidst all of these marriage chaos, it is also important to realize that there are a lot of healthy and beautiful marriages out there worth emulating. Not because they are perfect or anything, but they have learned to intentionally work on their imperfections.

However, there are these set of people that decide to stay single and not be with anyone. I have heard of cases where people choose to intentionally be a single mother by getting a sperm doner. This life is about choices and I am sure that some events might have influenced their decison, which is quite understandable. Marriage isn't by force and some people don't just like the idea of it, or they feel like they can not cope. So instead of following the cycle programmed by the world, they just decide to do what they exactly want. That is very bold and so far it is really their choice, I do not think there is anything wrong with that. However, if the cause of taking such decision is due to some sort of trauma, maybe therapy can help in this case.

Thanks for reading❤️

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly topic Day 21. Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

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