Walk along Chicago's Magnificent Mile


Magnificent Mile, Chicago

Hello, Hivers and Wednesday's walkers!

This week I have another walk from the ones we did in Chicago last April.
Last week I shared with you a walk in a neighborhood outside the most touristic circuit of the city in A short walk in Hyde Park, Chicago. Today, however, we are going to walk through a very touristic area since I invite you to join me to walk along the Magnificent Mile.

The Magnificent Mile is a stretch of Michigan Avenue, located between the Chicago River and Oak St. It is like the 5th Avenue in NYC, a commercial area full of upscale stores.

GoogleMaps Screenshot

We walked this street several times during our trip, not because we were doing any upscale shopping 🤣 but because the hotel where we stayed while attending the Chicago Latino Film Festival, was a block away from this area. However, all the photos I share today are from April 22nd. At that time, we had already moved to a lodging south of the city, but we were going to the closing night of the festival and we would meet the rest of the group of filmmakers at the hotel. So we took the train to the Loop and from there walked northbound on the Magnificent Mile.


The view we were leaving behind to the south, the skyscrapers near the river and the Loop.


Oddly enough, every time we walked there I never found this stretch of the avenue to be too busy or with too much traffic. Maybe there will be more in the summer.


One of the most colorful parts of this street is in front of a store called Colores Mexicanos, where there is a huge Catrina on the sidewalk and there is always someone taking pictures of it.



Also in that part of the sidewalk, the arrival of spring was noticeable with beautiful tulips.


We keep going and have another view of the avenue to the south.


And continue walking along the sidewalk full of newly planted planters.



The building on the corner is a Starbucks Reserve, five floors with different exclusive products of the famous coffee chain. We didn't have the chance to go in and the truth is that we prefer small local coffee shops.


More flowers. They were so beautiful that I kept photographing them. 🌷


We continued walking and we could already make out the oldest building on this stretch of the Avenue, the Water Tower.



At this point, on the sidewalk in front of the tower, there is a shopping center called Water Tower Place, and behind it, which is not visible completely in the photo, is the John Hancock Tower.



We left the Water Tower behind and a block away from it we turned in Delaware St. to the hotel. And here we ended our walk along the Magnificent Mile. It is two more blocks long but we were already short of time and we didn't want to be late or miss the shuttle that would take us to the Theater where the closing of the Festival was.



And we arrived on time to the meeting point.


This is my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay

Thank you for reading.

All images and writing are my own unless otherwise stated.

© CoquiCoin

June 19, 2024

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