Painful truths I was told

Truth is indeed a bitter thing, and it hits differently when it touches our hearts. Has there been a time someone told you a painful truth about yourself? What was it, and how did it make you feel?

I have been told bitter truths or painful truths about myself on different occasions. Honestly speaking, sometimes i see it as an insult when someone told me truths about myself because it's always painful. Well, it's good to know these weak points so as to make changes. When i was a teenager, one of my dearest friend back then, told me a painful truth that really touches my heart. If not that he is my senior, i would have fought with him that very moment. Although i felt very bad 😞😔 but it's truth. That has been my weakness till date. The truth he told me is, you don't know how to say no. I felt bittered when he said it because i vowed not to do a particular thing but i ended up doing it. So, being my closest friend, he has seen me repeatedly doing that. So, that very day, he has to tell me that before my own very eyes. I felt very shy and bittered at the moment. Up till now, i don't have strong heart or i will say that am not hard hearted. I can easily say i won't do this or that but at the end of the day, i wont be able to do that. It's natural in me and am still working to improve on that so that i won't be taking for granted because of it.

Same thing happened during my early twenties. Then, i can easily fight on every little thing not minding who the person is. Not just that, once am provoked, i don't care to know who is my senior or not, i will reply every words and insult whoever the person is. So, one of our family friends who happens to be my best friend told me. With this kind of your heavy heart, you won't be able to live with a man. I was shocked immediately she said this and paused for a while. It actually pained me but not much because am a lady and never want any problems in my marital life. I told her to help me change. She instructed me to keep quiet when my senior is talking no matter how angry i am because if i should continue with it, that's how i will be challenging my husband when i got married. Though it's a painful truth but it has to be told. Her advice helped me to be a better person.

Lastly, i was told by my sister that i dont have a secret. Oh my goodness 😭, I feel like dying this time around. I actually shared some of my secrets with a trusted friend not knowing that she is a betrayal but has been pretending to be good to me. At the end, all that i discussed with her was announced in the whole street. Because my sister has been warning me before hand regarding my friendship with her, i didn't listen. When the problem came up, she told me that my problem is my tongue. Had it been i didn't disclose my secrets with my friend, she wouldn't have said all she said. Well that also thought me a great lesson. Since then, i have learned how to be secretive.

When someone told us truths about ourselves, we should see it as an evidence of love because it takes courage for one to do that and it's only someone that has your interest at heart will do that because he or she wants to to make changes to those your weak points. Though it might be painful but don't see the person as your enemy, don't see it as an insult rather take it as an advice from a loving friend and make necessary changes. You won't regret doing that. That's the moral lesson.

Image is mine

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