Loh contest #195. My thoughts about immigration.


We are in times of many changes, thousands of people have had to leave their home to start from scratch. Tell me, what do you think about immigration? Have you lived this experience, or do you have someone close to you who has had to go to another country? How do you feel about that?

Traveling is part of life and we also say is part of education. Our world is full of changes and at times, we might decide to travel out to a foreign country to reside there permanently. Though i haven't traveled outside my country, but currently not in my own state but rather moved to another state for the search of greener pastures. Immigration is something one needs to experience and it has been in my mind to do so. Working hard to to experience live outside Nigeria. So, immigration is very important in one's life because it will make you to see wonder's of creations in different countries, learn new life, experience a different environment from the one you know and meet people of different races.

People do travel out due to so many reasons which includes, to make more money. Yeah! That's one reasons for doing that. For example, some countries currency might be more value than one's own. And the person might want to move to such country knowing that if he makes money there, he will be able to establish so many things down in his own country. So, i strongly support the idea of immigration. Many left with nothing, starting from the scratch and today, they have made it in life. I have people closed to me who had has this immunization experience. It was my Uncle's son named KC. KC my cousin traveled out for greener pastures after bis secondary school. He actually traveled out with the connection of his family members. As God may have it, he was able to serve his masters well there in abroad and he was settled. He is just 25 years of age but has done wonders in his father's compound. The power of immigration. Most of his mate's in the village are still eating from their mother's pot but KC os the of their family. Had it been he didn't travel to a foreign country, he won't be able to achieve success very early in his life. First, is the currency. Ours has less value to compare to the country he traveled to. He came back as a millionaire because when he changed the money he came back with in our own currency, it became a huge amount of money. Immigration is really good.

I was super excited to see him successfully doing well. I feel like traveling abroad too. I noticed that when we are out there, we tried to work hard so that when we go back to our country, we will have something to show up. Because if someone traveled out and came back empty handed, it's a shameful thing to him and to his family. I feel like to be outside Nigeria someday. I want to make money from another country, i want to meet poep of different colors, language, groups, i want to see what it means to be in a foreign country.

I can also relate to my uncle who traveled to Japan. He spent more than 30 years there before coming back to Nigeria. He came back as a successful man. When he came back, he settled all his family members, established those who needs establishment set mentions and investments before traveling back to Japan. So, when we are not really making it where we are now, is a good advice we make changes. Even though is moving in another country, if you have the opportunity to move, do so. I support immigration, it's really helpful. It will make you to focus and work hard when you are out there. And you gained more respect once you are back in your country.

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