How was my first job? Memoir-monday 24

How was my first job?

I hold responsibility in high regard, together with the satisfaction that comes from achieving something for yourself. Work dignifies us, changes us, gives us a different view of life, we learn to consider that we can take care of ourselves. It seems to me that one of the most suitable ways to earn money is by working.


I had just graduated from a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, I was only 17 years old at the time. One day an aunt came with a newspaper clipping that showed the offer of an academy, which offered scholarships to improve in subjects that had to do with my profile. I went to the place, they interviewed me and they did not give me the exam to obtain the scholarship, on the contrary, they hired me to teach typing classes.

That was my first job. I was already enrolled in the morning shift at the pedagogical school and I had some subjects that I took in the afternoon. The only thing that suited me was the night shift, so they gave me 4 hours from 5 to 9 at night, with half pay.
I had never left my house alone at night. This schedule was a challenge for me. With a spirit of perfectionism that has always accompanied me, I fully assumed it. I left at 9 and hurried to the bus stop. At that time you could already see beggars, crazy people, people of low quality, some carrying cardboard boxes that were the beds they used to spend the night somewhere.

The job itself was simple, because I knew how to type and I was fast. I had to try to make people have a good posture, place their arms close to their body, and do the exercises stipulated according to a method that they used in that academy. They kept turning pages, after pages, until they handed in their page with the exercise without errors, without cross-outs or blots.

I found very dedicated people, who graduated in the stipulated time and learned to write on these machines that are now obsolete; but I also encountered two cases that made me uncomfortable: one was a young man who did not want to follow any of the rules. He wanted to use the machine in his own way, he did not accept the corrections that I made, and he confronted me directly, with empty and incoherent arguments, and finally left the academy.

The other was the case of a young woman, who arrived at 5 and left at 9 at night, just when I was leaving, since there were several machines unoccupied, I let her do her thing, I really did not have strategies for managing human resources, I did not know how to handle situations of this type. I approached her to give her instructions because she was placing her hands wrong, with her elbows facing outwards and her body leaning forward, a bit grotesque; but she did not stop doing the exercises.
She accompanied me to the bus stop on several occasions, which seemed good to me at first because it was better than going alone, she was talking quickly about anything. My inexperience and lack of social contact did not help me to notice that this girl had problems, until the director of the academy himself suggested that I tell her to use the correct timetable.


That was a difficult process because she did not accept it and became very moody. Then she would leave on time; but she would stay on the street leaning against a post, I guess waiting for me. I asked for help from other teachers who left at the same time as me to accompany me for a stretch.

In view of the problem, the management decided to expel her, now I could see the signs of mental insanity that I had not been able to see before. I was no longer at the academy, but I was still on the street and he could approach me at any time, which he did on two occasions, but I was accompanied at those times and people confronted him, I was afraid of him.

I continued working there for a year and a half, fulfilling my duties with dedication and often arriving early when required and sometimes staying a little after leaving when necessary, also going on Saturdays to help organize and plan. I was never paid for overtime, but when one time, due to pedagogical activities, I noticed that I would be two hours late, these were deducted from my subsequent payment, which seemed unfair to me and I resigned.

There I also met good and beautiful people, and had pleasant experiences to feel that teaching was really my thing.

This was my participation in Memoir-monday No. 24, proposed by @ericvancewalton.

My content is original.
My own images.
I used Google Translate.

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