how life has changed

How has your country changed during your lifetime?


Throughout my life, my country, Venezuela, has changed rapidly, a country with a historical, political, social process with ups and downs, some fundamental changes, which seem to have a deep echo, but it is as if it only changed. in name, because the evils remain the same, although with more corruption; But I would not like to dwell on the political aspect, since it is a topic that will always generate controversy and I do not have the courage to face reactions.

I prefer to stay in the human and social elements that are more within my reach. Everything changes, it is inevitable that countries do so. Nothing static but there are aspects whose modifications affect more than necessary.

I am going to refer to one element: music. My country has a variety of rhythms and genres, each state with a music that characterizes it: the joropo, both the llanero and the central or oriental, have a place in different states, the bagpipe, the Andean bambuco, the calypso, etc.

Small and isolated groups of young people, whether due to family tradition, or because they belong to some type of institution, where that music is exalted, can perform it and be representatives of it.

But there is foreign music, based on electronic music, with repetitive rhythms or obscene themes, like reggaetón, there is also vallenato, which does not belong to us, but has many followers. I have no problem with people having their musical tastes and having their spaces to perform or listen to it; But in recent times the imposition, the arbitrariness, of these noises has become very fashionable, with exaggerated volumes, which invade spaces intended for family rest, even near clinics and hospitals.
There is a lack of self-confidence, a lack of respect, a total disregard on the part of these people who dedicate themselves to invading these areas with their vehicles, equipped with immense horns whose noise is unbearable.

It is something really absurd because there is no type of music that distinguishes, it seems that there is a competition to see who plays with the highest decibels, obviously in that space you cannot talk calmly, nor can you dance, because the rhythms mix. an abnormal way. . I understand that you consume liquor and other substances, while participating in that disastrous mix of sounds.

Those of us who, through bad luck, have been exposed to this barbarity cannot fall asleep since the walls and windows also vibrate.

At some point in the past I walked through a square equipped with small bugles on the masts, from which some waltzes could be heard. I think it was from the church or the parish house where this music was played.

If I went out to the boulevard of the city where I lived, on a Sunday afternoon, it was common to hear the retreat: a group of musicians with their wind instruments: they performed music from the Venezuelan repertoire.

This has completely changed, it has not been popular for many years. I don't know if the people who now listen to the loud volume in the streets have these memories in their memory. I don't think so and I don't know if they will be able to have healthy hearing aids in the future.


In the commercial area, at some point they began to place bugles on the doors of businesses, as an advertisement: between songs, an entertainer played the offers and announced the products. This is also a type of pollution, which during vacations can be exaggerated.

Yes, the way of listening in my country has changed. I think respect and consideration for others has been lost. From that young man who walked with a radio player on his shoulder or from the one who listened to a CD player with headphones to those who stun life, there is a long way.

This is how I participate in Memories Monday #16 (6/23-6/30) - How has your country changed during your life?, proposed by @ericvancewalton, in the following link

Thank you for your kind reading.

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I use google translate.

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