The Evil Within 1 | Bosses Everywhere! [No Commentary Gameplay]

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Hello there, gamers of the blockchain!


Time to to keep digging deeper into the wretched memories of Rudvik until we find a way out. We'll find ourselves into a place full of enemies that now are better armed than before. Yes, the crazy things now have guns. Give me a break! The movement forward is stopped by having to solve puzzles and going through a room with a really big blade rotating in the middle.

But this is just the prelude of worse things to come!

Like the next area which resembles some kind of slaughter house. What's inside it? Well, some monsters we'll need to defeat. One appears alone on the first section of this place. Then, we have to fight two of them at the same time! They look like animals and have some big hooks that we for sure have to avoid!

Moving along, we'll be transported to another area where we'll find Rudvik's sister inside a cage. And you can guess we won't escape that easily from the lady of many hands! She'll get out and we'll start a chase off with puzzles to keep advancing. We'll need to even get out of an oven. And finally square off against her to give us some room to flee. But Rudvik won't like this one bit and we'll meet us in an elevator. Allegedly, we won't be able to escape this place.

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And we'll finally get a glimpse of our real situation. We'll find the doctor and Leslie in the same contraption we've found so many times before. Here, we'll get a chance to escape, but it'll fail in the end. However, there's some big revelation. Rudvik wants to escape this place as much as we do. And Leslie is the key to everything!

A big monster will come to end the Doctor's life and we'll be thrown into another scenery once again. And this time, we'll have to prepare to fight a really big enemy!

Aprendiendo del pasado

¡Buen día, gamers de la Blockchain!


Es momento de continuar avanzando dentro de las memorias de Rudvik para salir de este lugar. Nos encontraremos con muchos enemigos que ahora están más armados. Sí, ahora tienen armas. Locos con armas. ¡Necesito unas vacaciones! Eso no es lo único. Una cuchilla gigante da vueltas en el medio de la habitación.

Y esto es solo un aviso de lo que se viene

El área siguiente se parece a un matadero. ¿Qué hay dentro? Monstruos. Y claro que tenemos que derrotarlos. El pimero aparece solo. Al avanzar, nos encontraremos con dos más y tendremos que derrotarlos al mismo tiempo. Parecen animales y cuentan con unos ganchos que debemos evitar a toda costa.

Más adelante, seremos transportados a otra área para encontrarnos con la hermana de Rudvik una vez más. Está en una jaula, pero no por mucho. Aquí comienza una secuancia de escape y puzzles muy interesante. Tendremos que escapar hasta encontrar un lugar para hacerle frente y avanzar. Rudvik hará acto de presencia mientras escapamos en un elevador y nos dirá que nuestra lucha es inútil.

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Finalmente, recibiremos una gran revelación. El doctor está intentando usar a Leslie para escapar de la mente de Rudvik. Lo tiene conectado a una de las máquinas que hemos visto muchas veces. El intento fallará, pero esto atraerá la presencia de Rudvik. Un monstruo acabará con la vida del doctor. No sin antes revelarnos que el mismo Rudvik es prisionero de este lugar y está buscando lo mismo. Leslie es la clave.

Ahora nos toca enfrentar a este monstruo y volver a buscar a Leslie.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

  • Fotos/Photos and Video 📹 📷: taken by me with OBS Studio and Screenshots from my laptop.

  • GIFs 🖼️: created with Filmora X.

  • Portada/Thumbnail 🖼️: by me, created with Canva.

  • Edición/Editing 🎬: by me, made with Capcut.

  • Música/Music 🎶🎵: Legends, Music by Lightyeartraxx from Pixabay, copyright-free music.

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