The Evil Within 1 | Saving Joseph, again... [No Commentary Gameplay]

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Hello there, gamers of the blockchain!


After going through some weird experiences with brains and images, we find ourselves on the care of a doctor and back to this safe house that looks like an asylum. We can rest for a bit until we are met with a blackout and weird things happening. Like the usual things in this game. Then, we'll get to a new area to find our partner Joseph once again.

But our reunion will be interrupted by some folks who want to put an end to us. So, we'll have to do our best to fend them off and keeping advancing through this fortress with its mechanisms and traps in place.

In this chapter, we'll have to save Joseph plenty of times. Just watch!

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And Joseph gets caught as a rookie on a trap that was so obvious. His head almost ends up the French way, separated from its body. He makes up then as we advance shooting enemies from afar with a sniper rifle he finds. At least, he does some good shooting.

In the graveyard ahead, we'll face two giants that can be cheesed out by hiding and having him shoot at them. This way we can save ammo. He also finds out a secret passage to keep moving forward where we'll find some experiment notes and something that looks like a caged wolf

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The wolf gets loose and is gonna try to eat us. Joseph goes unconscious and loses his glasses as well. We'll have to fend off against the beast to get him to safety. The battle is not that hard as the thing has some pretty obvious tells for its attacks. However, it is sturdy. After getting Joseph to safety, we'll need to go back and recover his glasses. This guy is just useless!

And we have to do it because he can't see without it them! Talk about the guy in distress during the whole chapter. Joseph had one job and yet you became a burden!

Let's see if he pulls his weight next time!

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Salvando a Joseph, otra vez...

¡Buen día, gamers de la Blockchain!


Después de pasar por varias experiencias extrañas y ver muchas imágenes, nos encontramos de regreso en el asilo. Aquí podemos aprovechar para mejorar nuestras armas y habilidades. No tendremos descanso porque habrá un corte de luz y mientras investigamos qué pasa, terminaremos en un área nueva. En esta fortaleza, nos reuniremos con Joseph otra vez.

Aunque nuestra reunión es interrumpida por varios enemigos. Nos tocará defendernos mientras nos abrimos paso por este lugar. No será fácil por la cantidad de trampas que hay por doquier.

En este capítulo, vamos a salvar a Joseph varias veces. ¡Ya lo verán!

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Después de salir de la fortaleza, Joseph caerá en la trampa más obvia de todas. Casi pierde la cabeza como los monarcas franceses. Luego se reinvindica un poco al tomar un rifle y apoyarnos desde la distancia mientras avanzamos por un cementerio. Al menos, para eso sí sirve.

En esta área, nos enfrentaremos a unos gigantes. Podemos hacer fácil este enfrentamiento aprovechándonos de los disparos de Joseph. Así que escondiéndonos y esperando, podemos ahorrar munición. Nuestro compañero también encontrará el camino para avanzar. Este oculto dentro de una tumba. Por este atajo, hallaremos varios experimentos y una especie de lobo enjaulado.

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Como era obvio, este lobo se libera y tratará de comernos. Joseph queda inconsciente antes de comenzar este batalla. Nos tocará atacar al lobo por nuestra cuenta. No es muy difícil porque sus movimientos son muy fáciles de predecir. Aunque sí es un enemigo muy resistente. Luego de derrotarlo momentáneamente, llevamos a Joseph a un lugar seguro. Sin embargo, nos tocará regresar para recuperar sus lentes. Nuestro compañero es más inútil sin ellos porque no puede ver bien.

Así que nos toca ir rápido y regresar con más cuidado para evitar ser atrapados. Joseph fue toda una carga en este capítulo.

¡Ya veremos si empieza a ser útil en la próxima ocasión!

Let's see if he pulls his weight next time!

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

  • Fotos/Photos and Video 📹 📷: taken by me with OBS Studio and Screenshots from my laptop.

  • GIFs 🖼️: created with Filmora X.

  • Portada/Thumbnail 🖼️: by me, created with Canva.

  • Edición/Editing 🎬: by me, made with Capcut.

  • Música/Music 🎶🎵: Legends, Music by Lightyeartraxx from Pixabay, copyright-free music.

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