Hispaliterario 34/ Anastacia la nueva escritora (Esp - Eng)



Desde muy pequeña a Valentina le gusta la lectura, en su habitación tiene los libros organizados y cada noche antes de dormir su mamá le lee un cuento; en uno de los viajes que su papá realizó a la capital le compró un libro que narraba la historia de una hermosa niña que vivía con sus padres en un lindo campo, cada mañana la niña acompañaba a su papá a regar y limpiar las plantas y recoger los frutos en una cesta esta, actividad le gustaba mucho y se sentía feliz de hacerla pues pasaba tiempo con su padre y disfrutaba las bondades de la naturaleza.


Since she was very little, Valentina likes reading. She has books organized in her room and every night before going to sleep her mother reads her a story; On one of the trips that her father made to the capital, he bought her a book that told the story of a beautiful girl who lived with her parents in a beautiful countryside. Every morning the girl accompanied her father to water and clean the plants and pick The fruits in a basket, this activity he liked very much and he felt happy doing it because he spent time with his father and enjoyed the benefits of nature.

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Al leer el libro Valentina se identificó rápidamente con la protagonista porque a ella le gustaba recoger flores y ponerlas en la mesa en el jarrón de cristal, que con dedicación cuidaba su madre, pues era obsequio de la abuela; cada amanecer cortaba las flores, agregaba agua al jarrón y dese la sala el perfume de estas inundaba la casa, su lugar favorito para leer era el cómodo sofá de la sala, el cual además de ser fresco le permitía disfrutar el aroma de las flores.

Pasados varios meses su papá tuvo que viajar nuevamente a la capital y le trajo un nuevo libro el cual contaba las aventuras de un valiente perro que estuvo durante dos años años esperando a su amo quien había naufragado al otro lado de la montaña en el caudaloso río Macaragua, luego de ser ayudado por habitantes de la selva y la pierna recuperada con total movilidad pudo volver a casa, en horas de la tarde Brandon iba al muelle a esperarlo, al verlo se puso muy feliz, movía la cola y saltaba de un lado a otro porque finalmente estaría con su amigo; el libro le gustó pero su favorito seguía siendo el anterior.

When reading the book, Valentina quickly identified with the protagonist because she liked to pick flowers and put them on the table in the glass vase, which her mother dedicatedly cared for, as it was a gift from her grandmother; Every dawn she cut the flowers, added water to the vase and the perfume of them filled the house. Her favorite place to read was the comfortable sofa in the living room, which in addition to being cool allowed her to enjoy the aroma of the flowers.

After several months his father had to travel to the capital again and brought him a new book which told the adventures of a brave dog who spent two years waiting for his master who had been shipwrecked on the other side of the mountain in the mighty river. Macaragua, after being helped by inhabitants of the jungle and having his leg recovered with full mobility, was able to return home. In the afternoon, Brandon went to the dock to wait for him. When he saw him, he became very happy, he moved his tail and jumped on one side. to another because he would finally be with his friend; He liked the book but his favorite was still the previous one.

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Un día mientras jugaba con el gato Narciso, su mascota desde que tenía tres años, este entró a la sala y tomó el libro, mientras Valentina intentaba quitárselo el gato corrió hacia el jardín y al tropezar con las ramas rompió varias hojas, al ver el estado del libro ella se puso triste y fue a la habitación a llorar, trató de repararlo pero faltaban pedazos de varias páginas, se quedó dormida llorando y soñó con Adaluz la protagonista del cuento, quien le dijo que no debía estar triste por lo sucedido, además le recomendó escribir la historia en un cuaderno o hacer su propio libro.

Maravillada por este sueño y por haber visto a la protagonista, se levantó muy temprano; ya terminadas sus labores empezó a escribir su historia preferida, le tomó una semana terminar y desde allí nació su amor por la escritura, al cabo de cinco años había publicado siete libros en los cuales hablaba sobre los cuidados del jardín, el gato lector y de como un libro roto y el sueño con Adaluz, la motivaron a plasmar sus vivencias y experiencias en el hermoso pueblo Valle Encantado, actualmente tiene treinta y dos años y es una escritora conocida y admirada en su país.

One day while playing with the cat Narciso, her pet since she was three years old, he entered the living room and took the book. While Valentina was trying to take it from him, the cat ran towards the garden and when she tripped over the branches she broke several leaves when she saw the state of the book, she became sad and went to the room to cry, she tried to repair it but pieces of several pages were missing, she fell asleep crying and dreamed of Adaluz, the protagonist of the story, who told her that she should not be sad about what happened, He also recommended that he write the story in a notebook or make his own book.

Wondered by this dream and by having seen the protagonist, she got up very early; Once he had finished his work, he began to write his favorite story. It took him a week to finish and from there his love for writing was born. After five years he had published seven books in which he talked about garden care, the reading cat, and Like a broken book and the dream of Adaluz, they motivated her to capture her experiences in the beautiful town of Valle Encantado. She is currently thirty-two years old and is a well-known and admired writer in her country.

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Esta ha sido mi entrada al concurso Hispaliterario 34, agradezco la invitación de mi amiga @annafenix, además aprovecho la oportunidad para invitar a @paruari y @yagelybr.

This has been my entry to the Hispaliterario 34 contest, I appreciate the invitation from my friend @annafenix, I also take the opportunity to invite @parauri and @yagelybr.


Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
          All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

   Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.
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