These things need improvement

Pleasant greetings everyone!

Many things make living in a particular community or environment enjoyable. For some, it is affordable transportation and nearness to work without having to face much traffic, another one is easy accessibility to fresh farm foods while for some other individuals it is the distance from all the city pollution and noise that makes them reside in a particular area.

I currently reside in a small town in the big city of Lagos State. Easy access to fresh farm products, constant power supply and serenity of the environment was what attracted me to the town. I was tired of the constant riots and societal disturbance, which was a constant, at the former area I resided.

Moving to the new community took place almost five years ago and I have watched things move at a snail's pace. There is little societal growth as the indigenes are indifferent to the functioning of things. This has earned my community the nickname "back side of Lagos". The community is semi rural in appearance and very far from the big cities I am used to but like all human characteristics, I have learnt to adapt.

Things that can be improved upon

The first thing I would like to hint at that needs improvement is the roads. The roads of this community are quite bad and bumpy as they are not tarred. When coming into the community from the major expressway, you need to use a nose mask as the roads are dusty due to dry clay. I usually empathize with those who work far away from the community as I know that they would suffer muscle and body aches when returning to their abode.

The next thing that can be improved upon is the health centers. Health centers are government owned clinics where minor ailments are treated. First the community I reside in needs more health centers and these health centers need to be improved with modern medical equipments to allow for better medical practitioning.

A female friend of mine had an emergency with her fourteen year old nephew that lives with her. The boy just slumped in the night and she had to rush him to the health center. On arrival the matron checkes him and clearly told this lady that they did not have the necessary equipments to treat the boy and she was referred to a private hospital not too far away. The boy was revived but it cost my friend an arm and a leg which would not have been the case had the health center had the necessary equipments.

The subsidized fees of these health centers is what attracts the locals for treatment which I feel is a huge advancement on the part of the local indigenes.

The next thing I feel needs to be improved upon is the government owned schools. The government owned schools popularly referred to as public schools are a sham to education. The classes are small, desks and chairs are not enough and the class population is beyond normal. In one class, you would find about one hundred and fifty students and the teacher has to go round to make sure that every student is busy. More to that, some students sit on the floor to learn.

Education is light to any community and I feel that government should improve the public schools in the outskirts and rural communities to enable those families that cannot meet up with payment of huge school fees in private schools, attend school and gain an education to better their lot in life.

These things mentioned above are very essential for living and convenience and also for the future. It would do the locals good if these things are improved upon.

Thank you for reading. This is my response to the #aprilinleo initiative for day 25.

Images used are mine.

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