It's all in the blood......TDP #13.

Ever wondered how you were able to bear with your annoyingly irritating siblings? Well think no further because it is all in the blood. There have been many times and cases in my family when I made silly decisions to turn my back on my family but those decisions never held water and every time a call for help reached my ears, I would always rise up to answer the clarion a faithful soldier. Those "silly" decisions long forgotten.

I enjoyed being an only child for about five years before my baby brother was born. I can still recall having all the love and attention of my parents to myself ( like Timothy Templeton in the boss baby). I didn't have to share my toys, games or snacks with anyone until the day the news was brought to my ears that I was going to be a big sis. Well I was thrilled but that thrill flew out the window when the attention became divided. Suddenly he (my younger brother) became the new boss. When he wailed, mom and dad came running. I thought back then that it was okay since he was just a baby but then that baby grew to a toddler and he started to play with my scratch that, he destroyed my toys through biting and chewing on them.

If that wasn't bad enough, I was asked to always share my delicious chocolate snacks with him. "Arrrrgggghhhh!, how could I have that?" But trust good old parents to the rescue. Mom and dad never failed to indoctrinate the values of family bonds into my brother and I. The blood is thicker than water phenomenon is more real to me than just an idiom from the pages of a book because I have had encounters where I literally felt my blood boil anytime anyone tried to harm or hurt my sibling.

As naughty as my brother's behaviour seemed to me back then, no one else had the audacity to call him out for it. I would grow fangs and bite 😁. I love my family to bits and I'm so lucky to have them. Well things moved from one sibling to having four more siblings. Was I annoyed? Maybe a little, but as the siblings came one after the other, my heart learnt to grow and accommodate all of them including their excesses and naughtiness.

Family is everything, so I have heard and I can say that it is true to those who have had the bliss to be raised in a family of love and togetherness. There is also an extention of this idiom that I have personally experienced and this relates to the other blood. There are certain people that are in my life now that I call my blood because they've become such an important part of my life that I can readily give up anything for them. These persons are not biologically related to me but the bond we share is akin to blood relations.

The blood is thicker than water mentality has helped me understand how to cherish my loved one (biological or otherwise) irrespective of their shortcomings. I don't joke with my family, they are endeared to my heart and if I ever mark you as my family, rest assured that I will have your back through thick and thin, that's the code of the blood is thicker than water mentality.

Thank you all for reading. This is my response to the #thoughtfuldailypost prompt #13. Have a lovely weekend guys!

Imaged used are mine.

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