Financial security versus endless love


Personally I will say that money is important love is important and they both play a vital role in bringing peace and happiness in a relationship and in the society itself, but on this debate we want to deliberate on both endless Love and financial security to see if any can be deleted or if one is more important than the other.

Let's start by analyzing what financial security and endless Love really means and what they are involved.

Some people will say I want endless Love while some will say just give me much money and I will be happy.

A little analysis of financial security.


Financial security simply means having what it takes financially to take care of all necessary bills like food, house rent, hospital bill, clothing and other necessary things and also when there is an emergency there will be enough money to take care of any form of emergency.

Yes financial security has a very important role in play in human's life because if everyone have enough financial resources to pay their bills and solve necessary problems there will be no beggar in the street and there will be no uneducated children and less privileged families.

So many family heads today go through a lot of mental stress because they cannot afford to provide financial support for their familys, lately a man took his life because he couldn't provide for his family and some men have left their homes because they can't provide for their families, so lack of financial resources causes a lot of problems and stress and has destroyed some homes today.

Some people have developed hypertension and other sicknesses because of lots of stress they go through just to make some money to pay their bills.

Today people who hold good financial resources have the opportunity to attend the best education, they visit quality healthcare facilities and they have a free and satisfying life so to speak they look happy.

When a family is financially stable they'll be less problem and the relationship will strive.

Financial security does all this, where does endless Love come in can there be endless love without money let's break down the word endless Love.

Endless love.

This has to do with deep care and endless Love keeps individuals together to support and care for each other emotionally.

Endless Love also have a very important role to play in humans life and the society itself, for instance endless Love helps to build trust and understanding in a relationship which helps to enhance emotional support because someone who loves his life or that of his mate will be compassionate enough even when there is no money.

Life is filled with challenges love helps and gives one the needed strength to continue moving, let's say a mate a sick despite his financial status love is needed for someone to take care of a sick person and giving comfort that will help to heal him or her.

When there is no love if adversity strikes one person might decide to leave the other person but with love a couple can bound together and manage life circumstances.

What is life without love? life will be so bitter without Love, yes money can solve some challenges but it cannot solve emotional challenges only love can solve emotional challenges, when people who love you are around you during some challenges you will see reasons to keep going.

Some rich people take their lives because they don't have someone who show them what true love really means.


The most important.

I will say financial security and endless Love are both important, yes they work hand in hand to make life easier, if a man has money it helps to increase the level of love he will expect from the wife because there will be less stress unless financial problems but when there is no money only a few can continue loving their husbands or their friends unconditionally.

Emotional connections in the family are more stronger when the cash is flowing when there is no money to pay the bills like house rent, Nepa Bill and other necessary bill it will be to be difficult for endless Love to continue manifesting in such environment.

Business can collapse resulting to financial crisis endless Love will help those involved to continue working together to build back their financial status love is so powerful that is just a dosage for any challenges that comes our way.

Lately a man who wanted to take his life was interviewed and he said that his wife was dating his friend because he couldn't provide for them financially, so financial insecurity can result to many problems especially when there is no love in the family.

Years ago a friend of mine married a rich man who never loved her but gives her money after 3 years of marriage she decided to divorce the man because she wasn't seeing any form of affection or love from the man but theere was a lot of money to enjoy but she lacked that love that will make her happy.

So money without love will not give happiness and love without money might not be easy to cope with, so financial security and endless Love are siblings that work hand in hand to achieve joy and happiness.

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