Three R's and it's importance

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three terms which are important for our environment's sustainability and conservation of natural resources.

First we need to understand why it's crucial to follow three R’s. Minimising waste production can reduce pollution in our environment. We have been very careless in using our resources thinking it may never end. We have Polluted our environment to the extent that survival would be near to impossible in the next few decades.

Three R's are very important for a sustainable environment and it can be explained one by one in the following steps:

Reduce: As the meaning of reduce suggests we need to reduce the irresponsible use of our resources. Reduction of consumption and choosing products having less packages can reduce production of waste. If less waste is produced then less amount of it will end up in landfill. This way by generating less waste is addressing the problem at its source.

It can be done by following ways:

  • Choose products with less packaging
  • Buy items which are made to last longer and won't end up in landfill quickly.
  • Use sustainable products like plastic bottles which can be used multiple times.
  • Bring your own coffee cup instead of using disposable etc

Reuse: Reusing household items is a great step towards a sustainable environment and minimising wastes. It's giving new life to things and preventing it from going to landfills. There are countless ways to reuse items around your home. It's just seeing if those items have potential to be used again in a productive way. This way you are not only saving money but your environment too.

Some ways to reuse items are:

  • Use plastic bags multiple times.
  • Don't waste vegetable skins. Use them as fertiliser etc
  • Donate your towels and blankets to animal shelter homes
  • Give your old clothes and shoes to charity
  • Keep your old books in public libraries
  • Donate your children's school books
  • Gift wraps can be used again too if taken out carefully
  • Old metal cans or plastic bottles can be used in DIY projects

Recycle: In recycling the waste materials is converted into new materials and objects. This process will reduce demand for production of new materials. Reducing the demand of new materials will significantly reduce consumption of fresh raw materials, energy consumption, air and water pollution and even emissions of greenhouse gases.

There are different ways of recycling which are following:

Mechanical recycling: Its most common form of recycling in which it is done without changing its chemical properties. Like collecting plastic waste, sorted, washed, dried, melted and reformation into different products.

Energy recycling: In this procedure energy is recovered which would otherwise be wasted in typical industries to convert it into electrical energy or thermal energy. These procedures are followed in power plants, hospitals, universities etc. An example is the air-conditioning heat can be used to heat water.

Chemical recycling: It is an advanced recycling procedure in which material is broken down chemically into raw materials. The chemical structure of the materials can be changed to create new products. This procedure is done on materials which cannot be recycled easily.

The significance of recycling cannot be denied. Recycling saves valuable natural resources by using waste materials. We can reduce the amount of solid waste, which is increasing pollution and causing environmental deterioration. Helping in reducing air, water and land pollution. Recycling saves energy which is required to create new materials instead of using old material to make new products.

These three R's help us use our planet's resources responsibly to ensure it lasts longer. Sustainable environment ensures a better and safe future for us and our coming generations.

All images made by Canva pro.

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