Relaxing on a nature walk enjoying the sun.

Breathing in the silence of the air and the sound of the trees brings me a lot of peace and renews my mind and body.


The senses can intermingle especially when one is in contact with nature. Because in these places you can find yourself and the silence in the city is not the same as in a natural environment.

Trees have their own language which of course we humans do not know or hear, but when the breeze blows through them we can hear some of their melodies. They often seem to sing softly or whisper the secrets of the source of creation.


Walking among paths full of trees renews life, energy and that clean air helps the whole organism. I love that. But I also like to enjoy those sounds that people often overlook: the whispers of nature.

In this park at that hour there were few people, the few that there were were in the last area where there are games for children, so the parents are with them. The children's laughter is also a whisper of life and when they sing it is pure joy.

So I set off on this walk on yellow dirt paths, yes in this park they put a sand that is that colour on the paths I guess it is to stop the weeds from growing.



Then there are paths between the trees and I love those, because I enjoy both the sun and the beautiful shade of the trees. I am always fascinated by their roots, I get the feeling that at any moment they can pull themselves out of the ground and walk on their own.


On my walks I also admire the sky, can you see the patterns and faces that form when the branches intertwine? It's wonderful, we can all see different things.


I like to see how you maintain the parks, how you create these groups of vegetation in different shades of green and there is a harmonious design. I try to look at every detail as I walk.


On the paths there are places to sit, here there are always places to sit, not only in the parks but also in the streets. This is something that has always surprised me since I arrived.



In a fantasy-like place there is a beautiful gazebo that is surrounded by a small artificial lake full of palm trees and other plant species. You can also see ducks, although they hide among the tall plants.


It is a beautiful place with a small wooden bridge to cross the lake and move closer to the gazebo and between the paths. Everything is intertwined and links one space to the other.



The views across the bridge are also very beautiful. I circled around the entire lake trying to capture the different angles and got one beautiful photograph more than another.


I continued my way along a path full of trees a bit sad, look at their leaves, they look like they lack joy, but that's the species.


At this time of the year the sun is not bad, the temperatures have already dropped a bit and the sun doesn't burn.


As I always say, I like to look back and see the scenery behind me.




Following one of the paths to the west of the park there is a very beautiful area full of children's playgrounds. This is where there were people accompanying the children.

The games were very colourful, because of their shapes and colours, there were even two structures in the shape of birds.


There was also a beautiful sculpture, art is never lacking in natural places.


And a small but luminous lighthouse that refracted the sunlight and made the place even more illuminated.


There are also green areas for picnics, but on this occasion it was just a pleasant walk enjoying the renewal of oxygen and admiration of nature.




Each path offered me different views to the left and to the right, all very beautiful. Both trees with very rare trunks, and others full of flowers, some blooming at different times of the year. Amazing.


This path led me to turn around and look at the roundabout again, but further away from me.


In the city, despite the fact that rain is not common, we have a very humid climate which favours the growth and development of many species of plants and the possibility of having species that bear fruit or flowers at all times of the year. This is wonderful.


It has been a natural walk, relaxing and enjoying the sun and beautiful views all around me.

Thank you very much for joining me on this day, I send you my best regards. See you soon.

All photographs are my own.

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