No idea the market is going up or down? Directly ask them !

Sounds the people in financial industry is hypocrite, at the beginning on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, everyone acted like they care about Ukraine a lot, urge people support to the Ukraine, support every country to sanction on Russia, blah blah blah, meanwhile they keep selling the asset and try to scare the individual investor to sell their asset at low then they can buy them at lower price.

Is the Russia-Ukraine crisis subsided now? Obviously no, but can you still seeing the people in financial industry talk about the crisis and urge people to help Ukraine anymore? I afraid not, the news on financial section no longer focus on the Russia-Ukraine crisis anymore now.

Feel like people now just care about if the market going to surge or dip now, em, obviously everyone has no idea (including the major market markers) what is going to happen on the market, the market keeps going up and down in very narrow range lately.

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In this situation, I am not going to guess or predict if the market will go up or down, I directly ask them ! If you guys remember, the crypto exchange gave me some free trail on the future account, so I can simply use the fund to test the market, I simply long the BTC future to see if I can make profit on that, if I can make profit, then I assume the market is going to surge shortly, otherwise I assume it will remain at low price level for a short while.

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Sounds the market immediately told me the answer, my order hit the stop loss in just 40 minutes, so I can tell the market will remain at lower price in the next coming days.

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