"Slow conversation by the fireplace" # 1

Dear colleagues, I have conceived a project that will help introduce users of many blockchain platforms to their interesting authors. These authors are familiar to you to a certain extent. I will definitely try to share these interviews with you. In my column "Slow conversation by the fireplace" Today I present the first interview to your attention.

Interview with Evgeny Zaikin @evgeniy

  • It's nice to talk to a deep person. I know you, Eugene for more than one year, I am surprised at your diligence and dedication. I would like to introduce Serey users to you. And the occasion is wonderful - you have become, deservedly, the winner of the poetry competition "Golden Autumn", what are your impressions of the competition?

  • Zhenya, your favorite time of the year?

E - The competition turned out great, because it happened for the first time on Serey, I think. Contests, as we know, must be held, because - they give development to the creativity of the authors and the platform. I like autumn as a season, but still I love Spring more. This is the time when nature awakens, everything comes to life before our eyes. The first green grass and flowers appear, the leaves bloom. Well, in our soul and body, a certain boundless force is born that feeds any of us every year and gives inspiration.

  • your favorite city or place?

E - The most beautiful place on earth is Georgia, and the city, of course, is Tbilisi. Everything is simple here - I was born there (in Kakheti, 50 km from the capital) and absorbed the beauty of this land. Not so long ago (it was in 2016) I prepared and published a book together with a Georgian translator and art critic about the great Georgian poet Galaktion Tabidze. The book is called "And my words disappear in the wind." This book also contains my poems about Georgia, its translations, as well as poems. The name of the co-author is Tinatin Menadbe. She lives in Tbilisi. Georgia has always been attractive to Russian poets, writers and artists; they linked their fate with it, and leaving Tbilisi, mentally always returned to it, A.S. called this city “Magic Land”. Pushkin.

Is there something you don't like? For example, since my youth I could not stand fresh cucumbers? But the question is not gastronomic plan)

  • Who do you think has the most positive and negative impact on our society in the 21st century?

E. - Since childhood, I have not loved, once someone is offended, and obviously undeservedly. Because of this, he very often got into various troubles and quite often it turned out that he defended in vain. And who influenced all of us in the 21st century is a very difficult question and I think it’s problematic to answer it, but I’ll try anyway. I think that this is Nick Szabo (few people know about him), but this is one of the creators of the blockchain, it was he who formulated the concept of smart contracts that we all use now. And yet - thanks to him, digital gold appeared in the world of cryptocurrencies. And after that, the familiar Bitcoin was born to all of us. All this will be interesting to read to everyone. And of the great poets, Tyutchev impressed with his fate - his life was full not only of poetry, but also of adventures - sometimes on the verge.

  • Zhenya, what are your favorite animals?

E - From animals I love, of course, cats and cats. These wonderful pets and our favorites are always somewhere nearby. They surround me, apparently, since birth? Because - as long as I can remember, cats and cats have always been with me. We love them, and they love us for it too.

  • How do you usually like to recuperate after a busy week?

E - From a young age (and this is from school) I spent most of my time in stadiums and gyms. Therefore, due to the habit, I got used to recuperating either by playing volleyball or basketball. And, if we answer more precisely, then you can always restore strength very quickly on a journey. It doesn't matter if it's big or small. True happiness is when you are on the road. Therefore, he himself traveled to many countries and instilled this love in his children, as he always traveled with them. I wanted them to see as many historical monuments as possible from the Parthenon, the Colosseum and Hagia Sophia to exotic places in Southeast Asia. I think I did it and it's nice. Now they themselves always do the same, even on small car trips. They always take their children on trips, instilling in them a love of wandering. We are all true vagabonds in spirit.

  • What attracted you to the field of Blockchain?

E - When I first came across the topic of Bitcoin, I was somewhat interested in it, because I knew a little about cryptography, having fallen in love with mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms since school. But what it all turned out to be later turned me in the other direction. I even wanted to buy bitcoins when they cost something no more than 60 cents. But the topic did not go because he did not understand then how to store the crypt? Yes, and not particularly reliable at that time were wallets, they were massively hacked.

  • Do you have any favorite authors in literature? Who, if not a secret?

E - Ilf and Petrov. And the books The Golden Calf and The Twelve Chairs. Sometimes I read it for pleasure. From poetry, these are, of course, the poets of the Silver Age. The most fruitful time for creative people, apparently. But literature for us brought a lot of foundations from our Russian classics, making us exactly what we are now. This is hard to deny, because we have gone through a deep upbringing on the values of Russian civilization.

  • What is your favorite drink?

E - If we consider a healthy lifestyle, then the first place is, of course, Ivan-chai, which I prepare every year for the production of homemade tea. The second place is coffee (natural, in beans), which I also grind myself and cook every day in a Turk (Abkhazian). And, if from alcohol, then in part I like good aged dry red wine (for example, Bordeaux, Medoc), or whiskey by type (Johnny Walker, Black Label).

What qualities do you value most in people?

E - Can you say a lot in response to "smart and pompous", naming something from compassion, courage and beauty to creativity, knowledge and love into something? But for me it is harmonious in life when I see simplicity, honesty, sincerity, openness and, of course, humor in a person. Without humor, life becomes insipid and monotonous, often turning into dullness.

  • Where else do you dream of going, traveling?

E - It has always been attractive for me to visit Tibet. Once I almost went on this trip to Nepal, dreaming of visiting Lhasa. I even gathered a team, but it didn’t work out, a different direction was chosen, and we went on a long hike, but also to the mountains in the Caucasus. And in the same year we also visited the Tien Shan. There are so many impressions from these "great campaigns" that there is still something to remember. But all these beauties, of course, must be seen for yourself - with your own eyes, so to speak. Then the spiritual delight will be clear.

  • I know you as a serious poet, what other points of contact do you have with creativity?

E - For a long time he studied fine arts, then taught art history, drawing, painting, composition, arts and crafts and folk arts and crafts. And then he dropped everything and went into business.

  • I see that you are actively trying to help the development of Serey, you have already published an excellent Business Plan, what is your vision of the development strategy of Serey?

E - I think that all of us, together with the Serey team and the communities, still have a lot to do here so that this ecosystem becomes our own pulp, popular for users and also desirable for business. Someone comes here to the platform because of creativity, and someone really earns. Each person has his own plans, which he wants to implement.

  • You see, you have prospects at this site, why did you decide to stay here for a long time?

E - The development prospects of the Serey platform, as we see, are very large, and the opportunities are large-scale and limitless. I like the project, because the development takes place before our eyes every day. I came here back in 2020, but at first I didn’t understand a lot about how it all works? And for some time this project in my life "froze". Yes, and he himself participated then more on similar platforms Steemit and Hive, wrote content on various topics, while participating in various competitions. But there, on these resources, everything has long been determined and topics (like photography, cooking or travel) are more and more captured. And here we are building a new future together. And there is still enough space for everyone to develop their creativity in any direction. @nikalaich invited me here again to this site - as, in general, many authors, some with Golos, and some with Steemit and Hive. And now we're all together again here on Serey - so we'll be doing this project. Fortunately, everyone who came here to try their luck has a certain experience.

  • It is very pleasant to communicate with you, it is warm and cozy here by the fireplace. Do you like hosting guests?

E - Yes, I like to receive guests, therefore there is always a feeling of a holiday in the house - someone comes, comes, someone does something, brings it, takes it away. Also, often with the whole company of friends we go out into nature - to the forest, to the mountains, to lakes or just to the river, to fish, to cook an ear. Someone likes to receive guests, and someone likes to visit - and that's good. Life is short and it is necessary to live it cheerfully, without straining in quarrels and scandals. Maybe this is the very happiness that everyone is constantly looking for? Although I love a good oriental saying: “There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way! For us eternal vagabonds and travelers, this is well suited.

  • What do you wish to Serey users and why new users should come here, from your point of view?

E - I already now invite my friends and acquaintances - those who are close to us in spirit and creativity, and who understand well what blockchain is. Well, people themselves will understand what niche they should occupy here - this is, as I say, either creativity and development, or labor for remuneration. I think both are good.

Thank you Eugene for being with us. I wish you success in achieving your goal in creativity and here at the Serey site

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