How To Make Papaya Jelly To Enjoy At The Beach

Fresh air, fresh water, and fresh food.
Enjoy the view of the beach in the sunset time while eating a refreshing and healthy treats.


Strolling around the tourist area by the beach is not always about buying food and drinks. Indeed, in some places we are not allowed to bring food and drinks from home. This is to support the local economy around there.

But there are also many places that allow us to bring our own food and drinks. The tip is to choose a location where food and drink sellers are not available. But make sure the place also has a good view.

I have been in the city where my brother lives for several days. I really enjoyed the view of the beach, as well as the harbor around the city. Every evening I take a walk on the beach. I'm trying to find a different location to get a different experience.


Then I planned to go to the beach which is at Ulee Lheue Harbour, Banda Aceh City. This port is in the center of the city. I was thinking of making something that I could take to the beach but that would be easy to make.


Finally I decided to make papaya jelly made from ripe papaya fruit, as well as agar-agar powder and coconut milk.

Papaya Jelly


Papaya jelly can be used as food for a picnic. So for those of you who like to have a picnic whether it's to the beach or a green area with trees, you can try this recipe.


By the way, besides papaya, you can also use other types of fruit that can be filled with liquid jelly, such as watermelon or melon. I use papaya because it is good for digestion. This is also supported by the benefits of agar-agar powder made from seaweed. Both ingredients are very good for digestive health.

An unhealthy lifestyle can cause our digestion to not work smoothly. It can cause us to become constipated. So, this food is one of a kind treat that my family is used to to maintain digestive health. So, let's make papaya jelly! Stay tuned.



  • one ripe papaya.
    Choose a papaya that is not too soft in texture. We need a papaya fruit whose texture is still hard but is ripe. When you check all parts of the papaya surface, make sure the papaya skin is not damaged, it looks clean and there are no soft parts.

  • 900 ml of coconut milk
    The amount of coconut milk is adjusted according to the instructions for using agar-agar powder on the product packaging. There are several agar-agar powders that use a measurement of around 800 ml of liquid ingredients.

  • 100-120 grams of sugar
    Adjusted to your taste about the level of sweetness.


How to make this menu is very easy. But as a warning, here we need gentleness with patience, to treat the papaya so it doesn't spoil. This is to maintain its shape so that it stays good when combined with liquid jelly before the jelly sets inside the papaya fruit.


Clean papaya. Make sure there is no dirt attached to the skin of the papaya. Then split the papaya into two parts of the same size. Slice the papaya lengthwise starting from the middle of the fruit end.



After the papaya fruit is split into two, then remove the papaya seeds that are inside the papaya fruit. I used a spoon to remove the seeds. Please do it gently so the spoon doesn't damage the papaya flesh.




Scoop the papaya flesh carefully. Oh yes, I have a little funny story. I cook in my brother's kitchen. It makes it hard for me to find the items to use to make this sweet treat look perfect. I need a spoon to form the fruit flesh into small balls. But because I couldn't find the tool, so I looked for a way so I could shape the papaya flesh to look like a small round shape.


A bottle cap that has a bottom surface sharp enough to be used to cut fruit flesh.

Finally I decided to use a bottle cap. I am glad that this bottle cap works well. However, it really requires precision so that the bottle cap does not damage the soft papaya flesh.



After getting the papaya flesh which is shaped like small balls, we will see that the papaya fruit looks like it has holes. This will create a nice pattern for the jelly later when it sets.



When finished with papaya fruit and papaya fruit ready to use later to be filled with liquid jelly it's time for us to make the liquid jelly. Mix the coconut milk, try the gelatin powder, then stir them thoroughly until there are no lumps.




Cook the jelly mixture until it boils. Stir occasionally so that the jelly mixture does not break apart (separate the coconut milk and water) and the mixture does not fill the surface of the pan when they boil.



After boiling, remove the jelly mixture. Then, after the fire is turned off, stir the jelly mixture to remove the hot steam in the mixture. After the hot steam dissipates, pour the jelly mixture into the papaya that was drilled before.


There is a lot of jelly mixture left. Then, I used other cake molds as a container for the remaining jelly mixture.


Cool the jelly to room temperature, then place in the refrigerator before serving. Wait until it sets and cools then papaya jelly is ready to be served.


Well I made the papaya jelly in the morning. So when I want to take a walk to the beach in the sunset time, the papaya jelly is set and ready for me to take to the beach.


I also photographed papaya jelly on the beach. Oh, that looks great. I really like the result, even though I don't cook it in my own kitchen.

How about you guys, do you love this papaya jelly and want to make your own version with your favorite fruit? Tell me your thoughts in the comments and have a great day.


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Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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