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Taking care of self


Source:iPhone 14 pro / Autumn 2023 - Tegernsee


there are two components to well-being, physical and spiritual. Both are interconnected and both need a high level of self-care. If one is neglected, the other one will suffer. I've written a couple of weeks a go, about depression, that you can read in here.

All the time when I've neglected one of the two, my life dropped down in quality. Since last year, when I've entered a new decade, I've decided to take the approach and improving both of them. There is no excuse to neglect one.

I'm still far away from where I want to be, as weight is still way too high, sleep is still bad, and sometimes I get angry on things which I can't change. What I can say, is that there are improvements, which are felt, and even if we are not there yet, my life has been improved. Now I can lift as much as I did before the Covid-19 times, run a little longer and do more exercise than in the last 5 years. Also, eating habits have been changed, where most of the foods which contain a high amount of sugar have been left out of the diet. Now I eat more greens, more grass fed meat, and in general, more bio food. Eggs are part of the daily plate and on the days that I don't eat, I fast. Yes, fasting has entered my life, and not because of religion, mythology or how do you want to call it.

Now coming to the part that guides it, the mind and soul. During the past months, we decided to travel more, and we are lucky to live in one of the prettiest and cleanest areas in the world. We don't have to take long rides, as the mountains, some great lakes and a lot of green nature is just around the corner. This feeds the soul. Nature, in its beauty is feeding the soul, it calms down and let's not the relevant things get out and become lost in time.

I've learned to say more no than yes and ignore the noise coming from people that don't matter. Just ignore them, and don't feed their ego. Focus on you and your family, that is it. Nothing else matters.

How about you? How do you take care of yourself?

This is part of the initiative #marchinleo, which aims increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, where you should participate. All the details are in here.


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