Fighting a Burn Out


Source:iPhone 6S / Summer 2017 - Hohenschwangau


there are a lot of things that lead to burn out. The most common being depression. I've written a couple of weeks a go, about depression, that you can read in here. Also, last week I wrote a post on how to take care of one self, which can be read in here.

During my depression, I also suffered from burn out. It was clinical attested and was over 3 weeks off work, where the treatment was only to relax and enjoy life. Easier said than done. Imagine getting up every morning, without having any drive, thinking why shall I do something. Not even going for a walk. Luckily, my wife was there and helped me overcome this period in life.

When you have it, you will know it. Things are going slower, drive is not there, and some self-destructive mechanism is active, which is in the end a call for help. How to overcome it? First realise that you have it. That would be the biggest step.

After, surround yourself with people that love you, as you will need it. Now, learn to say no. Work is not that important. In 10 years, nobody will care that you worked over time, and the only one affected would be your wife and kid. That is it, they will remember it, the company no.

Another significant factor is to go in nature, go for walks, hikes, and runs. Learn to breathe again. Breathing calms you down. After this, do sports. Like the old Romans used to say, mens sana in corpore sano. Healthy mind in a healthy body. I'm fully aware that most people have physical conditions these days. I also have one, as I can't stay too long in the sun without getting sun burned. But this shall not stop you from getting some fresh air and a little wind breeze on your skin.

Food is also making your mood swing and impacts the energy level you have. Stay out of junk food, eat healthy bio veggies and grass feed meat. Feed your body only good food. Stay away from pollution. All these are factors that impact you and if you get to a burn-out. Life is more than stress.

How about you? How do you take care of yourself?

This is part of the initiative #aprilinleo, which aims increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, where you should participate. All the details are in here.



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