Turtle/A warrior

Hello hivers! Everyone of us is so much stranded in our life in dealing with daily affairs from studies to household to other settings that we do not find time for us. This scarcity of self-time deprives us of our energy. We are grinded on the daily routine of life. This continuous motion fatigues . We feel so demotivated that our every dream is shattered. We skip most of our favorite hobbies and goals just because we feel that it is out of our power but in this one thing that popps my mind is story of hare and turtle in which turtle doesn't give up. He was well aware of his opponent and difficulty in reaching destination but he was committed. He didn't fear of defeat infact he accepted challenge to write another history.

My today 's thoughts gave me idea to thank Mr turtle for giving us such an important life lesson by making a character of it with my own hands.

Let me share with you

Material Required:

Clays of different colors


First of all to make soft base of my turtle I used the green colour clay and made the skeleton of turtle along with it's clay. The lower limvs I made were also of green clay.

After making the basic skeleton it was time to make the hard sgell of turtle. I oicked Yellow colour for it and made the hard shell covering over the turtle.

After careful placing shell over the body, I made some spines over the shell to beautify the shell as in just colour it was looking very dull. I made the eyes of character

And hence character was ready

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