Saturday Story ~ The Flower Serpent

Saturday Story

The Flower Serpent

~by Mr Dingo

One day a mysterious snake appeared in the land. She was a very clever snake and won the hearts of the people with her poetic tales and hypnotic gaze. One Spring morning a villager noticed that she was not in her tree and became worried that she'd been offended and decided to leave the village for another.

Overcome with grief, he sank to the ground tears welling. However was he going to tell the others that the magical snake had left their lands. As he slowly rose from the ground under the tree he looked down and where his tears had fallen now grew this beautiful flower.

Suddenly the beautiful snake appeared once more in the tree and said. "You have, grown this flower with the magical power that flowed through your tears, so strong is your love for me. I am very pleased by this and will live in this village forever more."

And so there was great joy in the village and all the people of the land came to visit the magical snake and pick the beautiful flowers that grew perpetually at the base of her tree.

The End


For @poeticsnake because I owe you a story and for the positivesunday challenge <3

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