Positive Vibes Daily Challenge Hope Friday--My Inadvertent Specialization in Breast Cancer Rehab

Happy Friday guys!  I am jumping back on the bandwagon of @positivesteem's daily #positivechallenge to bring a little hope today.  This post may be especially uplifting for anyone dealing with cancer, specifically breast cancer.

In my line of work (personal training), I can train just about anyone.  I've had clients from ages 12-90, all demographics, men and women, and with many different goals.  Of course there are certain personalities I tend to click with more on a personal level, so a lot of my long-term clients have some similarities.  Up to this point, I never would really say I had a specialization, though.

Within the past 3 years I have had at least one of my female clients get diagnosed with breast cancer each year.  I am very thankful that they are all currently doing very well.  A few had single or double mastectomies, but did not have to do any chemotherapy or radiation.  The lovely lady in this picture below, however, had a single mastectomy, lymph nodes removed, and had to undergo a grueling round of chemotherapy.

This particular client was a very successful businesswoman who was great at her job, but in my opinion spent a little bit too much time focusing on work instead of her own health and happiness.  The cancer diagnosis stopped her in her tracks.  The treatment and recovery process was quite overwhelming at times, both mentally and physically.  I do believe there were certain times that she had little hope at getting back a normal healthy life at the end of it all.

Fast forward to 9 months after her last chemotherapy session, and see how vibrant she looks!  I can only take a small part in her recovery, but we worked very hard to get her shoulder mobility back and her overall strength and endurance.  It was such a huge accomplishment on this day when she was able to completely lift her arms over her head for the first time in more than a year.  When she first came back to work with me after her mastectomy, she could not even lift her arm to shoulder level.

After going through this life-changing experience, both she and her husband retired so they could actually enjoy the life they have worked so hard for.  While I do not wish cancer on anyone, it is always moving to see someone who takes a terrible experience and finds hope in creating a new life after rising again!  She now works with some of the local charities to help give hope to other women dealing with breast cancer.

I hope whether you are dealing with cancer or just wading through life in general, that this gave you a little bit of brightness to your day knowing that people every day are fighting adversity and winning!  I am not so naive that I think that is always the case, but I think having a positive attitude never hurts. ;)  It also shows how important fitness is in health and recovery.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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