Oops I did it again - I Manifested an Awesome House - Part 2

What follows is a convinuation of Oops I did it again - Part I

A bunch of you wanted to see more of my new place than just the red front door ( @meesterboom, @owasco ) , some of you ( @abh12345 , @deirdyweirdy ) even called me a 'tease' so let's convinue.

It sure helps to have my laptop charger with me again and to not have to type this from my phone ( like the previous entry in this epic saga ).

You wanted to see my house, right
and what it looks like inside?

Unfortunately for you guys the picture above this post doesn't show my house.

You have to be a little more patient.

This shows what used to be quite the mansion,
a big house on a hill, with loads of steps leading to it.
It has kind of a haunted house vibe, super deteriorated from the inside. I once climbed the stairs and peaked in. Broken glass everywhere, ceilings have fallen down.

Here's a pic of the stairs in front of it:

and one more of this villa

I believe it's for sale, for a lot of money, and must have been from a rich family. There's now goats grazing on the land around it, so at least the land is being taken care of.

I even found a pic of a grazing goat there. It stopped grazing and stared at me...

This building is located in the village that is a 10 minute walk away from my new place and was about 20 minutes away from the place I lived 1 to 3 years ago. I have photographed it before and even written a blog post around it. No idea when though.

And now back to my new place.

Remember the red door?

I was pretty pleased with what I found on the other side.

A cute little kitchen/ living room with a couch, a comfy chair a woodburner, a kitchen table with 4 chairs around it and the kitchen itself with a 3 pits stove, 2 wash basins and not much more, aside from some cooking utensils, a cupboard filled with plates, cups, cutlery and so on and a nice amount of food with shelf life. I was disappointed at first, to not find any tea, as I could really use a cuppa and there was a (whistle) kettle on the stove. And then, after doing some thorough searching, I found a drawer filled with a nice selection of teas.*


Yeah, I know, I still haven't shown any pictures of the inside.

For that you will need to wait till Part 3 of this saga.

Here's some pics from the outside of the house though. The actual house, not a mansion on a hill in the nearest village.

Let's start with showing you part of the garden.

The house itself, from a distance, with on the left the veranda/ porch.

And here's a picture with my view from that porch.

Not the best light, nor weather but it's not the worst spot to have breakfast, drink tea, watch the clouds drift by.

Okay, okay. Before you get fed up with me, here's one pic of the inside/ the living room, showing the wood burner and the comfy chair.

Taken on my first night there. I struggled to get the fire started. More on that and my first night can be read in the next episode of this series, coming to a screen near you soon.

Talking about screens. It's time for me to go watch a movie. I am spending one (of the ) final night(s) in my old apartment and my movie projector is still installed here ;<)


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