I resist I exist

I resist I exist

Simply the history repeats itself.

Human beings always have the bad intents within them. Anyone who read the history will always see the government starts first with justice, rights and liberty then no one questions it until it leads to tyranny.

I came to USA about 6 years ago I love this country and I love history which encouraged me to read about the liberty and the foundation of this country.

The concept of being a free man, a free human being specially those ones who are willing to fight back and resist for their rights and that is where the founder fathers stands.

They left us an amazing constitution (yes, it is manmade) and they made it based on their experience of fighting the corrupted government, fighting the king that control everything even human lives, who treat humans like property.
They believed the only king who own everything is god (the creator), God create man then the highest authority over man is God (the law of the land)

Then the man create the government and the highest authority over government is Man, since man create the government.
We can call it the hierarchy of authority [Who works for whom!?]

Therefore, what happened? How have we reached where we are now?
How has this happened and why does the government have the highest authority over us, rolling us, controlling us as a property?

This happened because we started to fear the government instead of the government fear us

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Simply, we stopped to resist we stopped to question and we stopped to exist in their eyes (government)
Ask yourself, how many laws are little more than burdens? Laws should be to make our life easier, or bring some value into society when this is not really the case.
We pay average of 60%of our income into Tax, which is funny because the founding fathers left UK because their views on unfair taxation.

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When we stopped question our government they passed all the corrupted laws and the biggest one was in 1913 Federal Reserve act, which led to the Creation of IRS and enslave the whole country to a group of bankers and the cycle of modern slavery was just about to start which we all on it today!
The American individual spending all their life running towards a dream and do not live since they busy chasing a dream, the American dream.
I am not saying we cannot achieve our goals and dreams, we will if we all stand together and care about our freedoms and become more active in having them preserved and to let no one divide us.

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Why did this happen?

When our community became full of ignorant and uneducated citizens who did not fight for their rights.
The community who gives their freedom to be secure will never be secure and always be living in fear.

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What we should do? We should raise our voices, we should question. Only then will the government see us.
Then the government will work for us not against us
Remember, who created the government? The people
Who should fear whom? The Government who oppresses the people

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Let us educate our communities and ourselves and our friends and family.
About all our rights, let us stop all this tyranny by standing together
The power is the power of people not the power of a small few "Elite".
We have the right to own our own lands (Allodial Titles)
We have the right to keep all our salaries and wages and income
We have the right to travel without permission
We have the right to marriage without permission or license
We have the right to hunt and fish without license
We have the right to bear arms without modifications
We have the right to collect the water rain
We have the right to use our own energy without taking permission from the big corporates.

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This is called freedom and this is America that I Love and this is America I came to live in
For a better future and for real freedom

I would rather to live standing on my feet rather than living on my knees

God bless America
God bless you all
Love and peace

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