Propaganda, the Russians, and the Western Media - WW3 is a Psy Op


Edward Louis James Bernays - referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations," was the KINGFISH of Propaganda.

I recently came across this video, Published on Dec 15, 2016 that goes into some detail about Donald Trump's plans to hit the reset button on US/Russian relations, and about what a few Russian millennials and a famous author were saying about America at the time.

Since the airing of the video, the Western Media and specifically outlets like CNN have been building a rather shady narrative on the possibility of Russia hacking the presidential election and collusion with the new Trump Administration.

Just remember where the Western Media Learned their Trade-Craft...
Their Trade-Craft being BullSh!t, AKA Propaganda!


~Quixotic Malcontent

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