The bumpstock ban is illegal in so many ways


This is confiscation of property through an illegal declaration by an executive agency, signed by the president, outside of the legislative process. mind=blown

Bare with me here I have a lot to explain, we see this illegal route to pass law over and over in other laws.

- This is a violation of the natural right to self-defense, as codified in 2a.

- This is a violation of due process. "Turn it in or you are a criminal."

- This went through congress (the legislative branch), it could not pass because the will of the people would not allow it. Now it's been pushed off onto the President in the executive branch. This is a violation of the separation of powers.

- The executive branch is to 'execute' laws passed by congress, this is where the term EXECutive comes from. They cannot LEGISLATe laws AND EXECute laws, we have a branch called legislative for this purpose. Therefore a violation of the separation of powers.

- This is legislation without representation. The ATF wrote this law. We do not elect the ATF. 

- These bump stocks are novelty, they are not required to bump fire a weapon. You can do this same thing with a rubber band, or with a little practice, no accessory at all. If the ATF can ban a plastic accessory, why not triggers? why not bullets? etc. No bumpstock . Should fingers be next?

- Since when did the president sign laws written by ATF, FDA, etc? This is an arbitrary step. 

If a man's property can be taken through arbitrary searches and seizures for any reason then NO property is sacred.

Ultimately, this reminds me of when the british tried to ban gunpowder in 1774

This is an illegal encroachment taking us further towards a monarchy.


#bumptock #2a 

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