@SenatorBrakey's Steem-Powered Campaign Update: Should American Troops be in 177 Different Countries?

This week, Senator Brakey discusses the need for a strong national defense and an America First foreign policy.

What do you think? Do the current policies from Washington D.C. put America First? Or do they put America Last?

  • Is it in America's best interests to have our military over-extended across the world in 177 different countries?

  • With $20 trillion in debt, can we afford to send billions in foreign aid to foreign dictators in nations that hate us and burn our flag?

  • After sixteen years, billions of dollars and countless lives spent nation building in Afghanistan, will that land live up to its reputation as the "Graveyard of Empires?"

Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

For Liberty!
Eric Brakey

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