Theory on debate and source of political views: left, right, libertarian

People have been debating politics and philosophy for what is, for practical purposes, forever. And they are now not an inch closer to anything resembling consensus than they were before. This is why I find rather silly that some ideologues hope of a permanent majority for their side in the future when you point out that you never know who will be in power next. This is to fix the main inconsistency in their thinking: I want power to impose my ideology, but I don’t want the same power used in the same way by the other side.

Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired

So the big question at this point is why are we no closer to consensus? Simply put, it is because debate will never get you there. Debate may have been able to solve some issues by using reason, if people were driven by reason in their political beliefs. They are not. They are driven by values and, as some research shows, some of these values may be innate, genetic even. So no argument, however well-constructed, will work to change this.

What we think we do...

For a typical example, take a libertarian with a deontological belief in maximizing liberty. He will not care for utilitarian arguments that reducing liberty is better for some outcome or other. If the main desired outcome is liberty, other outcomes are secondary and as such should not come at the expense of the primary. This will resist an economic argument like it will be more prosperity with some limits to freedom.

Similarly, a socialist that is driven by a wish for equality of outcome (however stupid this is, some people wish for it), will not care about other outcomes at the expense of this. There are people on the left preferring everyone to be poorer but more equal. Such a view will not be challenged by any economic argument. This will resist an economic argument like it will be more prosperity with some less equality.

So fear not, fellow steemians, the politicking ain’t gonna be over soon and such the entertainment, the freak show if you will, shall continua unabated. So if we were to classify various political orientations by main driving force, what would we get? I will take a shot at it, express my opinion.

In reality...

For the left there are a few motivators. I would classify these as fear of chaos – without government controlling the economy there is chaos; compassion – think of the children; envy – why are others more successful than me; self-interest – what if I cannot afford healthcare; utopian beliefs – in socialism everyone will be happy and prosperous. And deontological belief in equality.

For the right the motivators are different. Fear of chaos – without government controlling morality there is chaos; wish for order – things should be a certain way and stay like that; strict rules respected by all; restraining vice - after all, think of the children; self-interest – I will be more successful in this society; dislike for change for the more conservative ones; deontological belief in religion.

Libertarians are motivated as well by multiple factors. For some, like above, there is self-interest – I want to keep more of the money I make and believe I can prosper more ; utopian belief – in libertopia everyone will be happy and rich; fear of power – concentration of power in government is bad; fear of authority – no central authority should get to make decisions; individualism - simply wanting to be left alone; deontological belief in liberty.

I find, for example, the least fear of chaos in libertarians, the least utopian thinking in right wing mainstream conservatives. Each ideology has both utilitarian and deontology views. As a libertarian, I see things in favor of my own ideology, or I would not hold it. The left wants government to be a mommy – caring and nurturing all. The right wants a daddy that is a strict disciplinarian. Libertarians want to be adults who take care of their own lives. Off course, both left and right might disagree with the assessment.

Overall most people are not strict utilitarians and strict deontologs but a combination of the two. The thing is that maybe utilitarianism may be debated somewhat more, but basic values not so much. And utilitarian views are influenced by basic values. As such the debate is proper stuck. But what else are you going to do with your evnings on the Internet?

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