John Garamendi is gonna beat up Don Trump Jr.

The Political theater in the United States is unbelievably stupid in the past 3 years and I don't necessarily blame this on Trump's tweets either. I didn't vote for the guy but would vote for Coronavirus for President before I would elect Hillary Clinton or most of the Democrat nominees in the field this year.

However, it seems that some members of Congress just can't seem to keep from providing a sound byte that completely makes them look like a horse's backside. John Garamendi of California is that ass as of today.


Garamendi is certainly not an imposing physical figure and to be honest I don't think that many people outside of California's 3rd district would even recognize the name if it was reported on or talked about. He is one of those insignificant members of Congress that we only get to hear about if they do something outrageous.... such as threaten the son of the President with physical violence on national television.

and that is exactly what he did yesterday


Don Jr. recently said that "Democrats would like to see millions of Americans die from Coronavirus so that they could blame it all on my father" which is a pretty callous statement but I don't think it is too far from the truth. The hatred for Trump runs so deep in the Democrat party that many of their spokespeople have said they would readily accept financial collapse if it would get Trump out of office. They also blame everything slightly negative that happens in the country on Trump and when not enough bad stuff is happening there is wild speculation and accusations that in the end turn up fruitless.

Therefore, I don't think that Don Jr.'s statements are outrageous at all. Of course none of the people with a (D) next to their name want to admit this, but i think they would be willing to do almost anything in order to remove DJT from the White House.

So John Garamendi went on full offensive on MSNBC to attack the "first son" (is that a thing?) when he said that "Don Jr better stay away from him or there will be a serious altercation."

I personally think that Don Jr. would whip this old man to a pulp in a fight and I would definitely pay $30 for a charity pay per view to see the fight. But it doesn't matter because that isn't the point. These sorts of things should not be said - kinda like when Joe Biden made some sort of crack at beating up the President as well.

If i were a betting man my money would be on the 42 year old outdoorsman and not so much the elderly Congressman

These people are our elected leaders and they behave like spoiled children that are all bark and no bite.

The reason why this is "dumb" is not because the reporting was bad. The reporting was really accurate: This is dumb because John Garamendi is acting like a child in middle school when he says stuff like this and it doesn't benefit anyone especially when they guy making the threat of violence is a 75-year old overweight fella that we probably wouldn't ever hear about unless he makes idle threats.


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