Controversial Conversations: Divided We Fall

A couple days ago I made a post based on a conversation I was having in a friend's comment thread on a controversial issue. I invited people to join the conversation and received a number of great comments- for context it might be best to read that post first.

But basically my friend and I chose different paths on a current sensitive issue and have no problem discussing it respectfully and maintaining our friendship. Something we would very much love to see more people doing.

And once again I was responding to a comment and found that it might make a better post- this time with someone I just met- @builderofcastles (unless I've known you under a different name? Or maybe we met while I was on Blurt or Bastyon?)- to further the discussion.

He stated:

The problem that we are facing now could be called red vs blue. (but it is not really) There are groups that believe:
•We should allow people to make their own decisions
•We should make decisions for everyone else.
These two cannot coexist. So, what is left?

I could blow your mind with what is coming, and it will still be the tip of the iceberg.

Then he went on to list some of the events he sees transpiring, which led me to the ramble that turned into this post:


I doubt very much you could blow my mind. Not because you don't have what would be considered mind-blowing information, but because there's likely nothing I haven't considered myself and looked into.

Two days before covid hit the mainstream I was reading articles about universities shutting down. Institutions that had refused to close during all kinds of disasters of the past were closing methodically while trying to claim it was out of the blue. I'd watched Event 201 shortly after it came out in the fall of 2019- I knew what the closures meant. What I wasn't entirely sure of was- Did they actually release a super deadly virus on the public, or was it mostly smoke and mirrors in preparation for something else?

Have you ever read "Scenarios for the Future Development of Technology and International Development"? It's a fifty page pamphlet published by the Rockefeller Foundation way back in 2010 put together by so-called philanthropists. My husband came across it in 2011 and sent it to me in an email. When everything started happening in 2020 I recalled the scenarios, particularly Lockstep which was eerily similar to what was going on:




If you want to keep reading, Get the pdf here

I also had past experience with the mask as compliancy training thanks to my brother who is an RN in NY. For years he'd been refusing the flu shot and forced to wear a mask during "flu season" basically half the year because of it. Despite the fact that every single year within a couple months of people getting their shots they would release a statement to the hospital workers that the flu had mutated and the shots weren't effective, they would still make him wear the mask and he could only take it off if he took a shot they had admitted didn't even work. There was no other way to see that except compliancy training.

Because I had so much background, the events that transpired in 2020 wasn't the shock to me that it was to others. Not that I was entirely prepared- especially for the reactions of the majority and sudden inability to use higher reasoning skills. But I of course understood why it was such a shock, and while I made attempts early on to share my thoughts, I quickly saw that rationality and logic were out the window with the constant bombardment of Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid. My husband wisely said "Wait until the dust settles a bit. Until then you aren't just wasting your time and breath, you're making yourself a target of all this negative energy."

So I spent a great deal of time


Of course he and I explained everything we knew to the people closest to us, most of which were able to see through it. And still many of them chose their financial life or the ability to go to ball games and concerts. At which point I knew that unless you were already inclined to question everything with a side helping of defiance, nothing I said would make a difference. At least not until things calmed down.

As for what's coming. I don't think it's possible at this point to accurately predict that. Just ask the people who thought Trump would get reinstalled and the swamp would be drained. Or those that believed 5g was causing the illness and tearing down towers was the solution. Or those that believed Putin was the good guy, trying to tear down an evil regime that was housing pharmaceutical labs. Or any number of other claims that have been and continue to be made, all based on very disjointed information and speculation.

For example, I watched the documentary Died Suddenly and it was very compelling. But in order to determine the accuracy, people would need to go talk to coroners and embalmers in their area, see if there's actual corroboration. That is the level of skepticism I maintain in order not to succumb to confirmation bias.


Of course I agree that those who are willing to remove bodily autonomy are a huge problem. But if there was ever a time to reach them, it's now. Now when they're no longer terrified of covid, and when most can see at the very least that the vaccines did not prevent infection and spread, therefore the choices of others to not get them have not worsened the problem.

But you're not going to reach them by telling them how much they suck or that they're doomed, or insisting things are happening or going to happen that can't be proven. Mass psychosis didn't only affect people on one side of the issue.

Everyone needs to take a step back, calm down, and review. Stop listening to any so called news for a bit. Take a break, spend time in nature and get centered, find some inner balance and harmony. Maybe try some Wim Hof breathing and do some cold water therapy.


This pressure people are feeling that we're running out of time- I get it, it's pressed on me too. But then I wonder if it isn't part of the psy-op to make people behave impulsively and irrationally. And especially to further the divide, because if there's any one agenda that overshadows the rest- it's definitely perpetuating and encouraging the animosity and division.

Divided We Fall is not just some old quote, it's the absolute truth. And United We Stand is also truth. In fact it's the literal only way we would have a hope of changing the direction in which we're headed.

So if anyone really wants to turn the tide, they're going to have to swallow their pride, get out of the way of their own ego and start meeting people in the middle. As it stands, I unfortunately don't think the odds of that are very good. Not when people seem to think the only way is to hit someone over the head with their personal convictions.

Imagine a room full of people with two opposing viewpoints standing behind a line on opposite sides, screaming their opinions and beliefs at the top of their lungs- that's basically what has been happening, and it's ludicrous to imagine that anyone is hearing anything except their own shouted words and thoughts.


I do believe there are a lot of people out there who would be willing to have reasonable conversations, but many of them are just sick of it all and aren't going to seek it out. Another element of brilliance to the whole plan appears to be the aftermath of bombardment leads to exhaustion and the desire to just hide under the covers, hoping it will all just level out on its own.

Honestly we need to pick our battles. Let go of things that are too far gone and concentrate on what's still possible. For me that means loving my neighbor even if we disagree. It means not putting the word Friend in quotes just because we don't always see eye to eye.

And it means staying flexible enough to really listen to what people who think differently than I do are saying. To question everything- not just what I don't believe in, but also what I do. Because belief is a poor substitute for knowing and if we become too rigid we will fail to see the difference.

And finally it means working on changing the mentality of "It could be worse" to "It could be better." Even if it's just small things we do to show it.


Again I invite you to continue this discussion in the comments. By no means do I think I have all the answers. All Views, Opinions and Thoughts are Welcome!

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