Hostility Rising Between Political Parties

A recent PEW survey suggests that hostility is rising between the two major parties in the US today, with both sides seeing the other side as immoral and dishonest.

Political disagreement has been the justification for splitting families apart, friends, and causing a great deal of anger, stress, frustration, and other negative consequences, for millions of people around the country. When you become fully consumed by party ideology it is easy to start dehumanizing others who aren't in the group and who don't agree with the groupthink being asserted.

The one who continues to win throughout all of this turmoil though is the power apparatus that continues to grow and threaten the peace and well-being of billions of individuals.

While both sides continue to argue about who is causing more damage they both then turn around and support the initiation of violence against others who they disagree with. Then they stop and wonder how and why things have gotten so bad. Neither party will be a protector of individual liberty when they are too busy aggressing against it, and this has been the case for decades.

Political ideology can easily corrupt individuals and it is so filthy of an arena that it is a shame to see many are so willing to quickly throw away lifelong relationships because of disagreements surrounding the political elite and how much power or influence they should have on the lives of all those who are living under their feet.


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