
Found her beautiful soul between two choices - the teacher's dilemma
Gosh! She loves those silly little creatures with all her heart
But she hates her job
Their innocent laughs always melts her heart
Yet she always looks at her time to leave
She wants to stay - they want her to stay
She is dying to be gone
"She is just doing her job"
Words that bears hate to know the meaning
"I am just doing my job, I won't get attached" she said.
“Even if i get attached”, she continued “It does not matter, I’m leaving one way or another”.
She hates this tender feeling
She feels it is a sign of weakness.
She wants to move on, do better, see the sights
But her emotions are starting to betray her.
Should she continue this ‘mediocre life of a teacher’ as she puts it
Just because it gives her happiness or
Should she go see what greater sadness the world has in store for her?

I want to believe we’ve been faced with similar dilemmas. To risk it all for an uncertain future or to stay where you’ve finally found a little joy, even though that which gives you happiness is below what you’ve always aimed for.
Do we have to do great things, be famous singers, be an idol, make loads of cash before our lives seem to make any meaning?


What would you tip the scale toward?

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