Overwhelming Silence


Overwhelming silence and in her mind all the violence
Driving her to edge of madness; praying for guidance
Little thoughts and remembrances bring thoughts of grief
They send her down a lonely road of pain that makes her weep
But then she stands tall on her own two feet
She screams no I will not accept this horrible defeat
She's a warrior of strength with scars that run so deep
And every day those feelings begin to creep
She fights her way through the horror that she's endured
Into the darkness of Hell she'll not be lured
For she is stronger than she thinks even with all the missing links
She will never give up letting herself begin to sink
Sink into that dark place that makes her heart race
The place that shames her taking away her God given grace
For she is a fighter with a soul of flames blazing
And she's always known she was meant for something amazing
And that's sharing her grief through the words she writes
Writes for herself and you to help us both through life
So when she feels down like she can't go on anymore
She just writes more and more, and that my friend, makes her heart soar

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