Interesting Jolt Into Synchronicity Into Reality

Yet the trip wins over any reality or non-reality that is actually based in reality, back out of the weak schemed mock revered reverse nulled totality. The ultra normal thought and insight, or was it a blip, no, well now I'm feeling alright. It's not nothing too shaky or flaky, face it straight, where no one need berate, if not enter into the cartoon detox date.

What state have I got into, have I come too late, where the schmoozed get diluted in a gated community of economic v.s. eco blight rates. I'm getting more productive in a more relaxed way. Where on the tip of my tongue I always have something to say. Those musical influences and pals of the underground are coming around. Unite the sound in a sound within a sound ethic. Can even say ultra normal greatness to be profound, not to confound, undo the undue mal cultural confounds. The biased history is history, there ain't no mystery is the new mystery to dispel the hysteria misery, real pain (is your friend) for real, there is no fetish wing.

No to sick sap suck it up to haze un-happenings. The perilous dumb struck trappings. Wheres the love? In reality for real. Not the mechanical grind in a slave trade's false zeal, seer that sears the zealot's peel.

There is something more to your prestige of skill. Community service, your childhood dream was always a civic duty. Not to become a mere consumer non-entity. I feel life fully, the tragedy turned travesty, the sick of hate becomes blasphemy when the love of life itself is at stake. The potentials of expression to be heard and known for consensus is a wealth of understanding to the point of holding your own without any need to hold anyone or yourself down. I thought someone could slap me out of it, I only seem out of it 'cause I'm not into it, I can acknowledge the sludge without having to sleaze it. Not to be drowned down in it to dig it. Get up to be out of being out of it.

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