Pink Swollen Spring

Pink Swollen Spring


I love writing about nature. John Muir is such an inspiration to me. There's so much beauty, grace, wisdom and harmony found in nature. This inspired me to write a children's book called "Playing with Gaia.. Discovering the Spirit of Mother Earth".

I wanted children to know that whatever it is that they need nature provides. If you need a hug - lay on the grass and let the earth embrace you, if you need a listening ear - talk to the birds, if you need stillness- snuggle up on a rock. I feel kids need to know if they don't have many friends or maybe they have deadbeat parents, nature is always there, ready to play with you and embrace you.

As adults, we tend to forget to sit still and listen to the trees and receive wisdom and support from nature.

Enjoy this inspired nature poetry from spring!

Pink Swollen spring.jpg

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