So, I have been educating myself on CBD oil for a while now and the information out there is so compelling.

I have read stories about chronic pain, mental issues, and many others. The one that sticks out the most is the story that I read about this 90-year-old woman who had rheumatoid arthritis.

This lady lived with her husband for let's say 70 years because I did not think that was important to remember. For this woman, her story was so captivating to me. Her husband became her caregiver, doing all the things she was once able to do for herself. Bathing, dressing, normal bodily functions, household chores, eating, everything she had to do to live normally became her husband's responsibility to make sure she did these tasks.

This man had done this for his wife for years. YEARS! Until one day CBD oil was discovered and due to their circumstances, they decided to try out this new method. I mean nothing could make it worse at this point right.

Being a person who has suffered addiction under the guidance of medical professionals I understand why people look for alternative treatment plans.

This 90-year-old woman took a chance with something new. I mean we all know medication doesn't always make the issue better. It does have its faults and nasty side effects. So they began this new journey with CBD oil. Now, this is where things start to get truly fascinating. She went from being assisted with everything in her day to starting to be able to dress, bathe herself and the list goes on.

She had regained her sense of being. The chance that she took was well worth the outcome. She was on the road to being self-sufficient. This was very intriguing to me.

So I began to research more and more about it. I came across stories about people with multiple sclerosis, turrets syndrome, epileptic seizures, chronic pain and there are others but I will stop there. Just with these diagnosis' alone which have medication to mitigate the symptoms experienced, there were people turning to CDB oil who were having a better experience of decreased systems or no symptoms at all. They were able to note the difference within 15 to 30 minutes and some had noted the difference over months.

Now, this is something that is truly worth reading about and becoming familiar with is what I thought. The more research I was doing the harder I was finding it to find a Canadian based company that provided this for purchase. Finding an American site was never an issue. My only thought on an American site was would it get sent back passing through customs. I never bothered to look into this I just thought soon there will be a way to get it in Canada.

To my surprise there is. I finally found a Canadian based company that provides this to people who are willing to go this route. Some of you may be wondering why I was looking, well I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and both hips. as I mentioned earlier I am not big on medication to solve this issue because I know that there is a possibility that the outcome may not be what I think it will be.

I thought I would throw it out there that researching CBD oil could open our eyes a little more and take away the stigma of it being considered a drug and it will get you high.

There are also many ways that it can be used. There are oil droppers, gummies, creams, vapors and powders that I have found. I will post an update once I have my own experience to share.

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