Workout before work

Good afternoon good afternoon everyone. It’s a beautiful day out! Nice and sunny little bit of clouds. When I woke up this morning I didn’t expect to go have a demolition day before work lol. Me and my dad @enginewitty went out to the new house and did some clean up. He was on the mower haha.


While he was mowing around the house making sure it looked pretty. I went around with the wheelbarrow picking up rocks so he didn’t mess up the mower blade. That wouldn’t have been good smashing into a huge rock “CLUNK” there goes the blade haha. Anyways after I got a good amount of rocks cleaned up for him to get stuff mowed down. He had a tear down job for me which I enjoyed. I got a workout that’s for sure.


I was tearing down fence post and bringing them back to the pile we got out back. One of these things was about as heavy as I was. I had a rope squatting and pulling this thing outta the ground. Thought about doing a log toss with it, it was so heavy hehe. Was able to get all the fencing down and post pulled up where he needed me too. Gawl that was fun that’s for sure. We took a good little break about halfway through. Stay hydrated!!! I got pretty dirty tearing all that fencing up…


Now that we got some of the other things done on his todo list. We got more work cut out for us that’s for sure! Deifntiely enjoy helping him out when I can and am able too. I know he doesn’t like doing all that on his own.

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