The power and meaning of smiling

"When you're smiling, keep on smiling, the whole world smiles with you." An excerpt of the song popularized by Louis Armstrong implies that a smile can bring happiness to everyone.


Smile is just a simple word, but the meaning behind a smile can make a regular word becomes extraordinary. According to the research that has been published, a smile can prolong life and makes us younger.

Smile also give positive energy to the people who are around us, he will automatically reply smile we give. Beautiful is not it? In addition smile also provide enormous benefits from the aspect of health, psychological and social.

Is everyone smiling being happy ?

Some experts readers face said smile not necessarily the expression of happy or happy. people smile with many ways, and each of smiles can contain the meaning of different.


And the following five types of smiles and meaning behind it, which revealed reader famous faces Jean Haner told the Daily Mail.

  1. Broad smile
    Big smile can also be called with a laugh, when lips widened and showing its teeth. Type expressed confidence smile, warmth and positive energy. Wide smile also signifies hospitality and 'invitation' to friends.

  2. Smile knot
    The most common type of smile and can show different emotions. Smile where both lips shut and form a straight line on this face imply shame or fear. Sincere smile involves the muscles in the mouth also the eyes. But with a smile like this, only the mouth muscles that move and that means insincere smile, you smile just because of necessity.

  3. Smile as he turned face
    "When someone looking down at smile, it could be a sign of the nature of shy and introspective and the lack of confidence, especially if they also cover his mouth by hand. type smile is also suggested a sense embarrassment. but in some people, smile is deliberately done to lure someone.

  4. Smile a half
    Smile with only one side of the raised lip may reflect uncertainty or less sure. According to Jean, a smile like this is a sign that you actually do not really want to smile. A compulsion.

  5. Cynical smile
    Smirk or grin showed dissatisfaction, arrogance and superiority. This smile mode can also describe the true nature of a person.


Why do we have to always smile ?

Smile is one of the easiest and cheapest way to improve your health, improve your mood, make longevity, and even add to your happiness. The smile did not express that you're happy. but the smile does not have to be sincere in order to give a positive effect, but it remains a genuine smile is the most good.

  • Slow the heartbeat.
    Smile slow the heart rate and relaxing the body. this allows the heart does not work too hard. people often smiled and laugh more able to avoid the heart disease. smile can also reduce blood pressure.

  • Reduce stress.
    Stress is a common problem in the modern world that cause a myriad of health problems. You can relieve stress enough to smile more often throughout the day. Smiling releases endorphins that can reduce and get rid of stress hormones.

  • Better mood.
    Endorphins are also able to improve your mood. Feeling sad? Force yourself to smile, though it was not sincere at first, but your mood throughout the day was definitely better.

  • Increase productivity.
    Smiling and laughing able to motivate workers to work harder after they enjoy entertaining moments.r.

  • Get the trust.
    Various research shows that a person can look more reliable if he's a smile. trust is important factor in building healthy relationship with fellow. and having a friend who reliable would help reduce stress the burden of mind.

  • Generate empathy.
    When embarrassed or caught doing something strange, often your first response is to smile. This reflex response can reduce tensions and encourage others to empathize or understand because everyone must have done something shameful.

  • Ease the pain.
    Benefits smile the next one is to reduce pain. hormone endorphins released as a smile can make the pain is reduced.

  • Increasing concentration.
    Stress limit the point of view and reduce the focus. a smile to restore the ability to concentrate and make it easier to complete a variety of tasks as well as in the same time.

  • Strengthens the immune system.
    Smile helps the body so relaxed and this allows the immune system to react more quickly and more effectively in the fight against infectious diseases.

  • Looks younger.
    Smile naturally raised the facial muscles and various studies show that people who look younger smiling about 3 years of age of the original.


Have you smiled today?

"Let your Smile change the World, don’t let the World change your Smile"

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