Is this Random Wet Treasure?

Grand Sequoia Falls

Turnout Falls1.jpg

Unexpected Treasure

On a recent trip to Giant Sequoia National Park, and Kings Canyon Park, we found some impressive little surprises. First, of course, to the surprise of almost no one, I loved all the water there. Falling, frozen, melted, and more...

Over the winters, snow falls. No surprise, is there? Snow, on mountaintops! Each spring, seems it's time for the usual, and melt! And each spring, these vernal springs come alive. The small shallows and small valley's fill. The snow melts, and the water does it's thing and runs to the lowest point.

Everywhere, in sheets, in lakes and puddles. Streams of water start falling. making their inexorable way down, to the oceans. Water flowing always captures my eye. And everywhere I could spin my head, was another waterfall. After a quick yelp, to our lovely Uber Cool driver, we made a u-turn and found what I think was one of the more fun falls I came across in my trip out west. Love how it plays over rock, and among the trees, randomly.

In another month, the falls will be gone. Dried, as the winter snow and ice melts. But, for now... I love this gift from mother earth!

Always, I strive to give back
To the animals and birds around me
to put more plants in than I take out
And be a good steward for the world around me!

All Photos by Bluefin Studios
Nikon d7000, 20mm, f22, 1/13th

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