Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #858 - by Allmonitors

#858 - Mount Samat Shots for Saturday.

Greetings beautiful Hiveans. It's our second night here in the city of pines. I forgot to carry my ZS110 so I could have used it to take street photography. It's a bummer, I have made sure that it's fully charged but still forgot to bring itπŸ˜‚. A sign of aging and dementia maybe. Early today I also had my last shift for this week, unfortunately I am alone at work so I didn't file any leave for vacation on this day. My wife and her friend who joined us went out early for a walk at this city oval. Then after that they went for breakfast, my wife got a takeaway for me then they also got bottled water since we ran out of supply last night. We are currently in the night market eating our hearts out of the street foods and also window shopping with ukay ukay or used garments along the closed road beside Melvin Jones Grandstand.

Now for our daily shots let me share photos taken when we went to Mount Samat, as we approached the base of Mount Samat, we were struck for the second time by the sheer scale and grandeur of this natural wonder. The mountain rose majestically from the landscape, its verdant slopes stretching upwards towards the heavens like a giant's fist.


The air was alive with the hum of activity – tourists and locals alike streaming towards the summit. Then as we ascended, the landscape unfolded before us in a series of breathtaking vistas. The mountain's slopes were a riot of color.


The summit itself was a testament to human ingenuity – a shrine and museum dedicated to the heroes of World War II, their memories etched into the very fabric of the mountain. The cross that stood atop the hill was a beacon of hope and resilience, its white marble gleaming in the sunlight as it seemed to reach out towards the heavens. Lots of our people lives were lots during the war.


As me and the wife stood at the summit, the world spread out before me in a panorama of breathtaking beauty. The sea stretched out towards the horizon, it was the sea we visited prior to being here in Mount Samat. Me and the wife did enjoy our short stay in this mountain which serves as a reminder of our country men heroism.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Bataan, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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