Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #834 - by Allmonitors

#834 - Liwliwa shots for Sunday.

Happy rainy Sabbath dearest Hiveans. Early today I woke up before five because I got to work at six and there is a disaster recovery testing that has been going on at work and I was part of the secondary team who will continue and finish the remainders of the activity this Sunday. But when I connect to our wi-fi router the connection gets drop sporadically and learned that there's an outage affecting our area. So O decided to go to the office and since it's Sunday there's no traffic at all hence the travel time was fast. Got there after six and we completed the activity around one in the afternoon. All in all it took almost twenty four hours for the activity to be accomplished.

Now for our daily shots which this time is about travel. The sun, a glowing orb of molten gold, sinks slowly into the horizon, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the vast expanse of the sea. The golden hour has arrived, and with it comes an otherworldly beauty that seems to suspend time itself.

On the shoreline, the waves roll in like liquid silk, their frothy crests shimmering with an iridescent sheen as they wash up onto the sand. Different birds cry out in the distance, their silhouettes etched against the backdrop of a burning sky.

A lone figure, the wife, sat at the water's edge, her silhouette bathed in the golden light that spills across the beach. She gaze out at the endless expanse of ocean, her eyes following the undulating waves as they crash and recede upon the shore.


The air is heavy with the scent of salt and seaweed, mingling with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers that line the beach. A gentle breeze rustles through the dunes, carrying with it the distant cries of laughter and the sound of children playing in the sands.

As the sun dips lower into the sea, the sky above transforms into a kaleidoscope of color - deep blues, fiery oranges, and vibrant purples blending together in a breathtaking display. The clouds themselves seem to catch fire, their edges ablaze with the intensity of the setting sun.

The figure at the shore raises their eyes to the heavens, drinking in the beauty of this golden hour by the sea. They feel a sense of peace wash over them, their worries and cares melting away like sugar in the heat of the sun.


In this fleeting moment, time stands still as the world is bathed in a warm, golden light that seems to infuse every cell with hope and wonder. The golden hour by the sea - a moment to cherish forever in the hearts and minds of all who witness its beauty.



Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Zambales, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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