Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #833 - by Allmonitors

#833 - Cape Bojeador Lighthouse Shots for Friday.

TGIF wonderful Hiveans. How are you all? Finally the sun came out already today and there's warmth felt all throughout the day. The typhoon has already left while most of those affected by the flooding are still in recovery mode. There were loss of lives too unfortunately but who is to blame? The local government who didn't anticipate and prepared well or the residents themselves? Anyways, it's my last day of work tonight and I will be off tomorrow but will work again early morning on Sunday because of the transition.

Moving on to our daily shots, let me give a detailed justice of an explanation about this place we went to. I used AI to give the details below about the cape.

"Cape Bojeador Lighthouse, also known as the Burgos Lighthouse, is a historic lighthouse located at the westernmost tip of Luzon Island in the Philippines. It stands atop Cape Bolivar, which is part of the municipality of Burgos in the province of Ilocos Norte.

Designed by Spanish architect Alejandro Castro and built by the Spanish colonial government in 1828-1831, the lighthouse was initially intended to guide ships passing through the treacherous waters of the West Philippine Sea. The name "Cape Bojeador" comes from the Spanish phrase "Punta de Bojeador," which means "Point of Beware."

The lighthouse is a notable example of Spanish colonial architecture in the Philippines, featuring a blend of Gothic and Baroque styles. It consists of two main structures: a watchtower with an octagonal base and a lantern room at the top, as well as a stone house for the lighthouse keeper.

Throughout its history, Cape Bojeador Lighthouse has played a crucial role in maritime navigation and commerce in the Philippines. In 1857, it was automated to replace the need for human keepers, making it one of the first automated lighthouses in Asia.

Today, Cape Bojeador Lighthouse is a popular tourist attraction and a national historical landmark in the Philippines. Visitors can climb its spiral staircase to reach the lantern room, which offers stunning views of the surrounding sea and coastline. The lighthouse has also become an iconic symbol of Ilocos Norte and the entire province.

In recent years, efforts have been made to restore and preserve Cape Bojeador Lighthouse as a historical and cultural landmark. These initiatives include restoration works, tourism development projects, and environmental conservation measures to protect the surrounding area.

In summary, Cape Bojeador Lighthouse is a historic lighthouse located at the westernmost tip of Luzon Island in the Philippines. Built during the Spanish colonial era, it has played a crucial role in maritime navigation and commerce throughout its history. Today, it stands as a national historical landmark and a popular tourist attraction, offering stunning views of the surrounding sea and coastline. Efforts are being made to restore and preserve this iconic structure for future generations to appreciate its cultural and historical significance."
- Venice.AI

For our first photo it is showing us the stairs leading to the lighthouse itself but unfortunately the entrance was closed to the public ever since there was a strong quake that hit the Ilocos region which affected most of the heritage structures that dates back from the Spanish era of 1500s.


Before the tower it self, there's another building beside it which houses the spare lights and equipment needed for the lighthouse. There were several rooms as well in it. This is the entrance of that building which was taken in panoramic view to capture all of its entirety.

Here's two of the windows of the building I mentioned above. We were asked by the person who explains about the lighthouse to pose.. basically he took all the photos using my wife's and friend phone.

Then these next two shots were taken in another room which is empty but the chair. We were asked to pose on one side and we ran over the back of the person taking the photo then we went to the opposite side of the chair with amusement in our faces 😂. While the next photo is in monochrome as we sat on the long wooden chair.


These last two shots were basically on the outside with the view of the China sea in the background. The wife here was posing great while the let's say guide of this lighthouse also took her photo. The last picture is a group pic wherein we were pointing on the left where there's a mountain.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Ilocos Norte, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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