Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #786 - by Allmonitors

#796 - Boracay shots for Thursday.

Greetings this evening dearest Hiveans. It's my last day of work and tomorrow will be my day offs and also on Saturday. I haven't been able to go to for a walk this past week because of such activities going on at home and also my sleeplessness but hopefully tomorrow in the afternoon since we don't have guests at home anymore I may be able to go out late in the afternoon. I will just go for walks and not run because I am feeling something already in my right knee especially after a day when I spend time jogging.

Moving on to our shots for today, these shots were taken in Boracay island and these were taken by the wife using her phone and she sent them to me so I could post it. My son and I we're not able to join them because my son has activities in school and someone needs to stay behind to look after the dogs because they away for two nights. In this frame shows the orange sun about to set and there's a person onboard using their paddle as they make their way on the calm water.

Far from the shore we could see several kite surfers flying high in the horizon. There are also boats doing paraw sailing and there's a lot of them. It's seems a great activity to include when visiting this island.

When the sun is about to set, people are also coming out and spend their memorable time with their people out here in the fine sands and shallow water. Paraw sailing boats are also seen from faraway.

The coastal front of the beach here is covered with lots of coconut trees. My wife spent their time and had their booking at Station three which is cheapest and also has the most numbers of people.

Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Boracay Island, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex</center

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